姓名 |
Chang) |
電子郵件信箱 |
E-mail 資料不公開 |
畢業系所 |
and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering) |
畢業學位 |
碩士(Master) |
畢業時期 |
91學年第2學期 |
論文名稱(中) |
由高職學生升學進路之擴充探討對四技二專土木建築相關系科之招生政策 |
論文名稱(英) |
Freshmen Recruitment
of Civil and Construction Engineering Programs in Polytechnic
Education Due to Increase in Capacity and Diversification of Admission
Procedures |
檔案 |
本電子全文僅授權使用者為學術研究之目的,進行個人非營利性質之檢索、閱讀、列印。 請遵守中華民國著作權法之相關規定,切勿任意重製、散佈、改作、轉貼、播送,以免觸法。
論文使用權限 |
校內外完全公開 |
論文語文/頁數 |
中文/83 |
摘要(中) |
摘要 技職教育是我國重要的教育制度之一,也是培育各項經濟建設人才的搖籃;為使國內的產業能夠順利成功的升級,近十年來,台灣高等教育大幅成長,從菁英教育轉為大眾化教育,科技大學與技專院校快速增設致使招收名額逐年增加。但在傳統營造業,營建人力市場上,由於長期經濟不景氣,產業環境變遷因素影響了營建業人力需求銳減;造成近年來土木、建築科系等學士,念了大學卻不一定找得到工作;在就讀意願降低下,土木、建築科系招收名額明顯過多;不但導致土木、建築科系招收分數逐年下滑,招收學生素質逐漸低落;部份技職院校面臨招生困難及招生不足窘境。本研究主要目的在於搜集高中職以上,土木建築科系相關類科之畢業生人數與升學機會等資料,比對人口出生率的變化。再依政府營建業人力供需調查,彙整分析未來相關人力的需求與培育之關係。 本研究分析的結果,至民國100年招生錄取百分比,超過33.21%的技職院校土木、建築系科,將面臨招生危機,有必要調整招生策略。本研究歸納結論並提出可行性建議,以提供技職院校日後制定招生政策參考之用。 |
摘要(英) |
ABSTRACT Polytechnic education has been flourishing in the
past ten years in Taiwan. Not only the number of universities and
colleges are more than doubled also the student enrollment is increased
significantly. This trend eases the competition for high school
graduates who used to work very hard in order to get admitted into
universities and colleges. In the mean time, the job market seems to be
unable to absorb those who with bachelor degrees. Take the construction
business as an example, the downturn of economics and the globalization
of competition shift the balance between demand and supply for the
workforce. College graduates from civil and construction engineering and
architecture face greater competition for getting the first job in the
construction business. As a result, the quality of freshmen in the
departments of civil and construction engineering and architecture gets
worse in recent years. Some of the polytechnic colleges even cannot
recruit enough students for construction-related programs. This study
aims to collect the statistics for graduates from vocational high
schools and their opportunities for entering polytechnic universities
and colleges. The statistics of general population and
construction-related jobs will also be analyzed such that the demand and
supply in the future workforce can be better understood. The result
shows that more than 33% of the construction-related programs in
polytechnic universities and colleges may face steep competition in
recruiting new students in five to eight years. |
關鍵字(中) |
招生政策 |
關鍵字(英) |
Polytechnic educatio |
口試委員 |
江 支 弘
鄭 道 明