姓名 林登淵(Lin-Teng Yuan) 電子郵件信箱 a0937717190@yahoo.com.tw
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 93學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 公路橋樑伸縮縫損壞調查與相關影響因素之研究
論文名稱(英) Investigation of Factors Causing the Damage of
Bridge Expansion Joint
  • etd-0728105-055144.pdf
  • 本電子全文僅授權使用者為學術研究之目的,進行個人非營利性質之檢索、閱讀、列印。
    論文使用權限 校內外均一年後公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/72
    摘要(中) 摘 要
    摘要(英) Abstract
    In the recent years, a majority of the newly-constructed freeways and expressways at home are built to have many elevated sections and most of the viaducts are designed as long-span or continuous ones, which means expansion joints with larger sizes are required. Along the introduction of new expansion joints that adopt complicated structures to accommodate increasing expansions come the obvious and frequent failures of the innovations. The problems, one after another, of the bridge expansion joints on national freeway No. 3 stand the case. It also urges the authorities (i.e. the Ministry of Communications) to repeatedly instruct the relevant departments to carry through the corresponding management and guarantee the construction quality. Therefore, it is necessary to look into the conditions and causes of the damages of the joints.
    This study aims at the bridge expansion joints of the freeways and expressways in the middle-west area of Taiwan. It is carried out by the methods of on-the-spot investigation and domestic organization interview. According to the data collected, the types, amounts and damage conditions of the expansion joints being used in each route are categorized; the damage rates and damage patterns are analyzed; the relating factors, such as design, material, construction management and maintenance that result in the damages, are discussed. The conclusions are as follows:
    1.The finger joint is the most commonly adopted one, while the modular bridge joint system (MBJS) second; the damage rate of finger joint ranks the last, while that of MBJS is about 3.7 times of the finger joint.
    2.The damage patterns of the finger joint are commonly seen as the cracking of concrete in the anchorage area and the fracture of the anchorage itself. The main causes of the phenomena, such as ill-welding or arbitrary bending of the anchorage, inadequate space or mal cleaning of the block-outs, lead to insufficient anchorage strength and the failure in the end.
    3.By on-the-spot investigation, we find the non-shrinkage concrete above the abutment back-walls have more cracks than those in the pier joints.
    4.It proves that the aspect of construction management takes the reins of all the factors causing the damage, that is to say, the construction departments still leave much to be desired in the installation of expansion joints.
  • 橋樑伸縮縫
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • Bridge Expansion Joint
  • 口試委員
  • 鄭道明
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