姓名 吳珮菁(Peiching Wu) 電子郵件信箱 kk5529.peggy@msa.hinet.net
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 94學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 公共工程採用同等品爭議之研究-以情事變更原則為中心
論文名稱(英) A Study on the Dispute of “Equivalent” in Public Construction - Based on Change of Circumstances Principle
  • etd-0731106-030929.pdf
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    論文使用權限 校內外均一年後公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/141
    摘要(中) 公共工程具有專業性、獨特性與關聯性,加上預算金額龐大,功能複雜;業主礙於人力或知識經驗不足乃將材料設備選用委由設計單位負責,其材料設備技術規格繁雜,且涉及廠商能否投標,若訂定不當即易流於綁標。政府採購法第二十六條使用同等品之規定即為限制不當競爭與杜絕綁標而訂定;該規定固然有其設計機制與功能,但引發之爭議與糾紛卻不在少數。在公共工程中承包商申請使用同等品是普遍常見的情形;就工程利潤而言,得以同等品替代之規定使業主、設計單位、承包商及材料設備供應商產生利益衝突;就工程品質而言,因訊息的不對稱,而使業主、設計單位及材料設備供應商對承包商使用同等品的動機,質疑多於支持;相對的,承包商對業主、設計單位在工程指定廠牌的動機,也是質疑多於接受。對承包廠商而言,承包工程的最大期望,乃是合理的利潤和對等的尊重;而業主對工程的最大期望,則是品質高、成本低與工期短。然而,諸多工程爭議乃是對於現行法規有所疑義所致,若沒有健全的法規,承包商可能因政府諸多不當的措施,或因搶標虧損而面臨經營困難的窘境。然,依民法第二百二十七條之二情事變更原則規定:「契約成立後,情事變更,非當時所得預料,而依其原有效果顯失公平者,當事人得聲請法院增、減其給付或變更其他原有之效果。」此條文之訂定即為衡平當事人於契約簽定後如遇無法預料之情事變更而有顯失公平者,對當事人之保障條款。
    摘要(英) The public construction consists of professionality, uniqueness and relationality. With extensive budgets and complex functions, the owner will authorize the design unit to take charge of the selection and the usage of materials and equipments because of insufficient labors, knowledge or experiences. If the technology and the specification of materials and equipments, which are complex and are involved with the bidding possibility of the manufacturer, are inappropriate, it is easy to drift into bid rigging. The Article 26 of the Government Procurement Act about the use of equivalents is made for the restriction of improper competitions and the preclusion of bid riggings. This regulation, of course, has its design mechanisms and its functions. However, it causes many contentions and disputes. In the public construction, it is common that the contractor applies for the using the equivalents. For the profit of construction, the regulation that it is able to use the equivalents as a substitute will cause interest conflicts among the owner, the design unit, the contractor and the supplier of materials and equipments. For the quality of construction, the unmatched information will make the owner, the design unit and the supplier are having more doubts about the motive of the contractor for using the equivalents than supports. Comparatively, the contractor also has more doubts about the motive of the owner and the design unit for designating the brand than acceptances. For the contractor, his biggest expectation for contracting the construction is reasonable profits and equal respects. And the owner’s biggest expectation for the construction is high qualities, low costs and short terms. However, lots of construction disputes are resulted from any question about the applicable laws. If without sound laws or regulations, it is possible for the contractor to face an awkward situation of his difficult operation because of many improper government measures or deficits caused by bid competition. But according to the Article 2727-2, the Principle of Change of Circumstances: ”If there is change of circumstances which is not predictable then after the constitution of the contract, and if the performance of the original obligation arising there from will become obviously unfair, the party may apply to the court for increasing or reducing his payment, or altering the original obligation.”, the conclusion of this article is a protection clause that balances unfair matters between both parties concerned if meeting unpredictable change of circumstances after signing the contract.
    This essay discusses the regulations and the meanings of the Procurement Act in the contract-implementing stage for the use of equivalents from the aspect of the Procurement Act. And then we analyze the applicability of the Regulations of Equivalent to the law according to the applications range and constitution conditions of the Principle of Change of Circumstances, Civil Law. It further discusses if the increment or decrement of prices provided in the applicable Regulation of Equivalent system will cause the contractor obviously unfair and then the Principle of Change of Circumstances is applied. Through the laws, we analyze and review the Regulation of Equivalent in the Procurement Act. This essay also discusses the Regulation of Equivalent in the applicable Procurement Act from two parts including the theory (scholars’ discussions) and the practical operation of public constructions. Thus, this reserch proceeds overall reviews through the theory and the practical operation outcome. Furthermore, after the sound laws about the system of equivalents are made, it is better that the public construction can develop the procurement benefits to maintain a fair procurement.
  • 政府採購法
  • 同等品規定
  • 情事變更原則
  • 顯失公平
  • 免責條款
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • the Government Procurement Act
  • the Regulation of Equivalent
  • the Principle of Chang of Circumstance
  • Exemption Clause
  • Obviously Unfair
  • 指導教授
  • 伍勝民
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