姓名 洪羽珮(Yu-pei Hung) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 96學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 鄉鎮級防災體系之分析與探討-以南投縣草屯鎮為例-
論文名稱(英) The study of Township’s Disaster Rescue and Prevention System-Take The Caotun Township in Nantou County For Example-
  • etd-0826108-170422.pdf
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    論文使用權限 校內外都五年後公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/131
    摘要(中) 南投縣位於台灣中部山區,自歷經九二一大地震以及桃芝颱風重創後,最近每年均有颱風、超大豪雨發生,造成全縣各地民眾受困、道路橋樑中斷等災害,其防救災組織體系運作良莠與關系民眾生命財產安全至鉅。本研究以南投縣防救災體系及草屯鎮防救災體系為例,針對第二層級、第三層級災害防救體系,分別就組織面及災害應變機制、分工權責等現況,來進行深入分析探討及比較分析。
    摘要(英) Nantou County is located at the middle part of Taiwan and has lots of mountainous area. After the 921 earthquake and the typhoon Toraji which seriously damaged Nantou County, Recently, each year there have been several natural disasters devastated Nantou such as typhoon and torrential rain, and all of them brought lots of damages to us. Therefore, the system of disaster prevention and rescue is very important to the people’s life and property safety. Taking the Caotun township in Nantou County as an example, this study has deeply analyzed the second and third level of the disaster prevention and rescue system in Taiwan.
    Currently, township government is the third level in the disaster prevention and rescue system in Taiwan, and also the most front line combating the disaster, and it should be the most important factor in the system. But based upon our study , we have found that the functions of the local government in the process of disaster prevention and rescue still have much room be improved. First of all, according to the law, we should establish the specialized units in the local government to deal with the affairs of disaster prevention and rescue program and gradually promote the functions of the local disaster response center. Also, we should take advantage of the civil resources by boosting all the civilian’s conception of disaster prevention. Further, the authorities should establish the system to cultivate professional human resource in the field of public disaster prevention and rescue in the future. In the meantime, the authorities should also actively put the education of disaster prevention into effect. Hopefully, our conclusions can be referenced by other units or department in Taiwan in the future.
  • 災害防救體系
  • 災害
  • 災害防救體系第三層級
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • disaster prevention and resue system
  • disaster
  • the third level of the disaster prevention and r
  • 口試委員
  • 巫哲緯 - 召集委員
  • 許惠悰 - 委員
  • 黃怡碩 - 指導教授
  • 口試日期 2008-07-28 繳交日期 2008-08-26

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