
年度: 89
姓名: 林威志(Wei-Chin Lin)
論文題目(中): 應用卡氏過濾器於結構動力參數識別
論文題目(英): Application of Kalman Filter to Structural Dynamic Parameter Identification
本文是利用卡氏過濾器在時間域上進行振態參數識別,以探討結構受震時的動力特性。所識別的系統分為兩種,一種是以數值模擬的方式產生,即將已知結構特性的五層扭轉耦合結構經數值模擬的方式計算其受1940年El Centro雙向地震力作用下產生之各層樓版的反應,根據該反應再以卡氏過濾器法識別該結構之動力特性,同時也驗證該法在識別扭轉耦合結構之可行性。另一種是以實際結構的地震記錄來進行識別,由於中興大學土木環工大樓有扭轉耦合效應,因此之前所發展的識別法可應用於該樓,所以第一棟識別之實際結構是中興大學土木環工大樓,以其在921餘震所蒐集之實測地表加速度及加速度反應歷時紀錄進行系統振態參數識別;第二棟則是台北之台電大樓主樓,根據民國九十一年三月三十一日所蒐集之實測地表加速度及加速度反應歷時紀錄進行系統振態參數識別。識別各棟建築物其動力參數後,應以識別的參數估測結構之反應,將估測與實測結果作比較,以證明本文之理論與識別方法確實可應用於實際結構之系統振態參數識別。
Due to the great damage induced by the Chi-Chi Earthquake occurred in Taiwan on September 21, more and more emphases have been put on the earthquake resistant design of buildings. Dynamic behavior of buildings under earthquakes should be considered in the process of design. In order to realize the dynamic behavior of structural systems, we can determine the dynamic models and parameters by system identification techniques.
The extended Kalman Filter and spectral analysis techniques are used to identify the modal parameters in the time domain. There are two kinds of systems to be identified, one is the artificial system, and the other is the real building system. The artificial system is a five-story torsionally-coupled building subjected to 1940 El Centro bi-directional earthquake. The dynamic characteristics of this system are identified with the aid of simulated response and the effectiveness of the proposed extended Kalman Filter algorithm is verified. The identification of the real building systems is performed with the aid of real earthquake records. The first building identified is the Civil-Environment Building of Chung-Shin University with torsionally-coupled effect. The same algorithm applied for the artificial system is employed here. The modal characteristics of this building are identified with one of the recorded accelerograms obtained from the aftershocks of Chi-Chi earthquake. The second real building identified here is the Taiwan Electricity Main Building located in Taipei. The recorded accelerograms used here are the data collected on March 31, 2002. Finally, the estimated parameters enable us to predict the structural response under seismic loading. The comparison is made between the predicted acceleration and the measured one for each case.

檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0828102-123144
