
年度: 96
姓名: 熊哲堅(Che-Chien Shiung)
論文題目(中): 混凝土裂縫發展之AE訊號研析
論文題目(英): The study of cracking behavior of concrete using acoustic emission measurement
本文主要在研究鋼筋混凝土劈裂破壞及握裹破壞之力學行為與Acoustic Emission訊號變化的關係。研究中製作長15cm混凝土立方形試體,其變數有混凝土強度、破壞方式,試驗方式採用劈裂試驗及拉拔試驗。另外,本研究嚐試從試體整體破壞過程中,從訊號中找出力學行為及AE訊號之間的關係,並依每筆訊號的不同建檔,來建立相關資料庫。
This research primarily focuses on studying the splitting fracture and de-bonding behavior of concrete correlated their acoustic emission signals. Specimens of 15cm × 15cm × 15cm cube have been made with variables in strength, failure type. This research attempts to figure out the relationship between the failure behavior and the AE signals during the loading process.
The test results showed that the AE signals turns out a distinction between splitting fracture and de-bonding behaviors. In splitting test of concrete, it appears few but high peaks in signal amplitude; while in pullout test of concrete, it turns out a great numbers of lower signal amplitudes and few high peaks in signal. The signal of the moment at peak load was also observed. In splitting test, the moderate strength concrete shows a longer duration than that of high strength concrete. In addition, the duration of concrete pull-out test provides about 7 to 10 times that of splitting test, which provides a sufficient time of warning before failure.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0825108-160931
