
年度: 91
姓名: 石尊仁(Tzuen-Ren Shr)
論文題目(中): 中低強度自充填混凝土應用於一般建築工程之探討
論文題目(英): Study on General Buildings with Medium and Low Strength Self-compacting Concrete
近年來,RC構造物品質常為人詬病,使構造物安全性、耐久性大打折扣,令人憂慮。在此工程環境與施工習性而言,改善使用新引進之自充填混凝土(Self-compacting Concrete,以下簡稱SCC) 促使整個施作過程自動化,而將人為影響因素降至最低,再就SCC配比設計及施工過程作確切之瞭解和改進,將傳統混凝土(Ordinary Performance Concrete,以下簡稱OPC)與自充填混凝土比較兩者之間差異值量化,提供給業界參考,不僅可確保工程之施工品質,並可因為適當的施工管理與人工的免除,降低成本,更因發揮材料特性,間接的對結構之安全性與經濟化有正面的提昇。
而公家機關辦公室、學校教室工程等建物,因室內RC隔間牆佔整體工程比例較少,故減少之1:3水泥粉光修飾工程所節省之經費相對較少,因此該類用途之建物採SCC較OPC總工程經費增加0.14∼ 4.08%。
For a long time, the quality of RC buildings has been queried. People doubt their security and durability. Now the way of using Self-compacting Concrete(SCC) automates the process and reduces the influence man-made. SCC improves the constructing environments and conditions. This paper provides us to know well in how to operate the process of construction and how to prescribe the proportion of SCC. This study compares the difference between SCC and ordinary performance concrete(OPC).
We tried to consider carefully. Let people not only ensure the quality of construction, but also know how to manage in proper way to save the labor cost and lower the work done by hand. Moreover we use material properties to raise the security of structure and economy.
After comparing the capital expenditure of OPC and SCC buildings, we find that ways of construction require different price in particular stages. Finishing the surfaces with cement paste cost much in OPC, but grinding and smoothing the surfaces cost much in SCC. When we build private houses or stores, we need many walls to separate the space. We should deal with the surfaces therefore the capital expenditure of SCC cost lower than OPC at about 1.65∼2.47%. On the contrary, there are few walls in the building of government offices or schools, we spend less percentage money on the walls. Though the price of SCC is more expensive than OPC, the capital of SCC is higher at about 0.14∼4.08% than OPC.
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相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0818103-062709
