
年度: 91
姓名: 許獻鍾(Hsien-Chung Hsu)
論文題目(中): 高溫中鋼結構行為之研究
論文題目(英): Structural Behavior Analysis for Structures under High Temperatures
近幾年來,鋼結構受火害的問題,已開始有許多相關的研究成果發表,而這些相關的研究多以試驗及理論分析的方式為主,且多為平面鋼構架試驗和分析。本研究蒐集國內外相關文獻,以非線性有限元素分析程式ANSYS 6.0進行數值分析和模擬比較,探討在受高溫下,承載力和防火材料對鋼結構的影響。藉由鋼結構樑、柱、平面鋼構架以及空間鋼構架進行數值分析模擬。本研究藉由分析結果得知有限元素法確實可以合理的預測高溫中鋼結構的行為模式。
In recent years, there are many efforts issued from the problem in steel structures suffered a fire. However, most of research efforts have focused on experimental studies and theories for the planar structures. This study utilized the nonlinear finite element program ANSYS 6.0 to simulate the structural behavior of steel frames under high temperatures. The results of analyses were compared with that in literatures. The present research also discussed the influence of load and fireproofing on structural behavior. This study showed that the finite element method could predict the structural behavior for steel structures under high temperatures reasonably.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0826103-063536
