
年度: 96
姓名: 林玠民(Jie-Min Lin)
論文題目(中): 民間參與台中市地區污水下水道建設之研究
論文題目(英): Private Sector Participation in Sewerage Construction in Taichung City
近年來,污水下水道普及率已被先進國家列為評定都市環境重要指標之一,為現代化都市所必備的公共設施。因而,我國在「挑戰 2008 國家發展重點計畫」中,考量污水下水道建設經費龐大,試圖採「促進民間參與公共建設法」所列各方式引進民間參與污水下水道之建設;至目前污水下水道建設採「促進民間參與公共建設法」推動時,其最大風險即非屬完全自償,仍需藉由政府補貼使用費其財務始得可行。
本研究乃依據「污水下水道第 3 期建設修正計畫」,分析在都會區污水下水道建設採「促進民間參與公共建設法」推動興建之可行性,並以台中市污水下水道建設為例。經分析評估:
三、在台中地區污水下水道建設之營建管銷成本為每一公頃約 1,200 萬元。
四、在正負20% 的變動率之下,對投資效益之影響程度,依序為費率調降比例、建設成本及營運成本。
In recent years, the construction and completion rate of the sewerage system in metropolitan areas have been selected as one of the most crucial environment indices for evaluating developed advanced countries where sewerage system is an essential public facility for the civilians. Due to tremendous amount of budget required, the “Act of Promoting Private Sector Participation in Public Projects” was first implemented by the government as part of the project “Challenge of 2008 Key national Development Plans” to introduce the role of private sector in order to expedite the construction process and completion rate of the sewerage systems throughout the Taiwan region. It is generally believed that the highest risk from applying the ACT is that the sewerage constructions for the major metropolitan areas in Taiwan are not financially self-sustainable and the investment and/or subsidization by the government are critical for the feasibility and success of such constructions.
The study was conducted on the basis of the “Modified Construction Plans for Sewerage Systems, Phase III” in Taiwan to analyze the feasibility of the sewerage constructions including the risk and financial analysis when the aforementioned Act is applied during the plan/design process. Taichung City in central Taiwan was selected in the study as the model case study for the analysis and the results revealed that:
(1). The related law/regulation should be reviewed and revised to avoid delay of the contracts in finance and construction due to the lack of government investment/subsidization or disapproval by the legislation of the local governments.
(2). The difference in user’s rate should be avoid for counties in Taiwan.
(3). The average project cost including construction and operation for the sewerage system is about NT $12 million/hectare in the Taichung City area.
(4). The most critical factors in affecting the investment return rate for the sewerage system are rate reduction ratio, construction cost, and operation cost, with a variation rate of +_ 20% is used in the analysis.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0825108-225106
