
年度: 92
姓名: 廖國棟(Kuo-Tung Liao)
論文題目(中): 彰化地區高鐵工程沿線土壤液化潛能評估及對高鐵土建結構基礎影響研究
論文題目(英): Study of the Soil Liquefaction Potential and it’s Effects on Foundations of High Speed Rail in the Changhua Area
The domestic transportation demand increasingly rapidly in recent years, Changhua area was located as the major intercourse multitudinous center in western Taiwan. At this time, many infrastructure projects are being carried out in the study area, such as high-speed rail project, middle part of the 2nd freeway project, extension of the 1st freeway project, and the east-west expressway projects, etc. In particular, the high-speed rail construction will not only help balance the life-circle developments for the western corridor metropolis but also supersede the existing two freeway systems to create dramatic improvements for the “second spatial structure” as well as the enhancement of the transportation networks in Taiwan.
The purpose of this study is to collect and study soil boreholes data along high-speed rail in the Changhua area, along with appropriate seismic design method suggested for earthquakes in Taiwan and combined with construction operation agreement of the high-speed rail project. The field site under construction is located in the area where maximum acceleration equivalent to 950 years regression process of earthquake intensity is 0.28g. Using commonly used SPT-N value simple assessment guideline method including New Japan Road Association (1996,NJRA), the evaluation of the soil liquefaction potential and its effects on foundations for high-speed rail construction through comparison among the several selected methods were conducted to reveal the need for revision or improvements of the foundation design/construction in accordance with the local subsoil conditions in study area along the high-speed rail.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0220104-115746
