
年度: 92
姓名: 吳宜澤(Yi-Ze Wu)
論文題目(中): 空心樁對水波隔絕效應之研究
論文題目(英): Effect of Hollow Piles on Screening Of Incident Waves in Water
This research is an experimental program to steady the barriers effectiveness of hollow cylindrical piles on steady in coming water waves from a water wave generation machine. The machine can produce water wave with a frequency up to 2HZ and an amplitude up to about 3 cm.
In the steady﹐the experimental parameters include barriers materials﹐diameter﹐spacing and the array arrangement of the hollow piles. The experiments in the steady wave conducted﹐in the hydraulics experiment station of the department of Transportation in Taichung harbor﹐Taiwan.
The results of the tests revealed that﹐in general﹐the PE piles have better barrier effectiveness than PVC piles. The results also indicated that﹐with the diameter parameter C(C=D/Lw) in the range from 0.07 to 0.43﹐the piles exhibit the most optimal barrier effectiveness when the spacing parameters S(Sn/Lw) are in the range from 0.013 to 0.14 for the used PVC piles﹐and from 0.02 to 0.08 for the used PE piles. For both piles﹐the barrier effectiveness significantly decreases when S is larger than the afore-mentioned optimal spacing. Also﹐for the same spacing parameter S﹐piles with larger diameter exhibit better barrier effectiveness.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0811104-100012
