
年度: 95
姓名: 游佳飴(Chia-Yi Yu)
論文題目(中): 台灣地區河川砂石採取作業執行方式探討
論文題目(英): The Study of Exploiting Operations of River-bed Quarry in Taiwan
Taiwan has made a remarkable progress in overall economic developments in the past several decades including the completion of numerous private constructions and public infrastructures. The quarries in river-bed are the main source of concrete aggregates for the construction needs throughout Taiwan as the economic development proceeds. However, the dramatic and excessive removal of stones of all sizes has imposed severe threats on the safety of irrigation and river-crossing facilities, and ultimately the river itself. The aggregate supply from rivers had fallen and became far less than the demand by the constructions due to inappropriate and/or excessive exploitation from the main rivers in Taiwan since late 1990s.
The research is focused on the selected 5 main rivers to study the river-bed quarry exploiting operations that have been conducted/supervised by the Water Resources Agencies and its authorized river bureaus throughout the Taiwan island. The results of the study include (1) the past, present and future supply/demand of concrete aggregate from the main rivers in Taiwan, (2) the advantages and disadvantages in general of the studied exploiting operations, and (3) the positive and negative impacts of the operations in the aspects of law/regulation, government policy, river management, exploiting execution, river function, economy, and society.

The results of the study can be used as an important reference by the related government agencies for better managing the rivers in Taiwan including quarry exploiting operations from the river-bed.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0620107-235453
