
年度: 95
姓名: 劉綉琴(Hsiou-Chyn Liu)
論文題目(中): 公共工程電子領投標制度之探討-以南投縣政府為例
論文題目(英): The Study of On-Line Tendering System for Public Construction Projects in Nantou County ,Taiwan
目前公共工程採購之領投標作業乃是以人工與電子領投標雙軌並行,領標、投標作業大部分仍採取書面的方式進行,以往政府採購作業仍衍生出許多問題,諸如採購資訊獲得困難、採購程序繁雜、採購人為弊端及領標、投標不便等,亟待深入探討改進,有鑑於此,我政府將傳統人工化採購作業改由電子化作業,大力推動電子化政府(Electronic Government),以提昇政府採購之形象及整體效益。
本研究以南投縣政府目前電子領投標之執行現況,針對政府推動採購電子化系統中最具關鍵性的電子領投標系統(Electronic Tendering System),由問卷調查方式,探討公共工程發包單位與投標廠商對於政府推動採購電子化之電子領投標作業的問題與對策,瞭解政策執行其施行成效及面臨之瓶頸,並據與提出改善之對策。
The government tendering process of the procurement system in Taiwan for public constructions has been conducted through manual and/or electric system. However, the major part of the tendering system had been relied on manual operation with tremendous amount of paper works involved until an electronic on-line system was recently designed and deployed. But still, the new electronic on-line tendering system encountered a number of problems in practice such as on-time update of the procurement information, the complication/complexity of paper work and procedure originally designed for manual tendering system, and cheatings. These problems need to be promptly studied and solved in order to enhance the effectiveness of the on-line tendering system as to better manage the public constructions in Taiwan.
In accordance with the current system and regulations, the study analyzed and discussed the collected data related to government tendering system along with the results of a survey from various aspects of professions involved in the public constructions in Nantou county. The professions surveyed included (1) construction project administrator, (2) consultant/contractor, and (3) architect/engineer. Results of the study revealed the followings as required to improve the current electronic on-line system: (1) the reduction and simplification of paper work and procedure, (2) the personnel training and system improvement with regard to computer skills and internet operations. In addition, study results indicated that the effectiveness of the on-line tendering system is somehow recognized with an average survey score of 2.95/5.00, which implies an overall agreement among those who replied, specifically, the on-line tendering system can be used to help avoid “cheatings” in the government tendering system.
In general, 85% of the replied are in favor of using the electric on-line tendering system which is promising and essential to meet the future needs of the public construction tendering system in Taiwan.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0816107-102716
