
年度: 90
姓名: 林志蒼(Chin-Tsang Lin)
論文題目(中): 新奧工法隧道施工模擬分析-以八卦山隧道為例
論文題目(英): Simulation of NATM Tunneling Construction:Example of Ba-Guah Mountain Tunnel
新奧工法是一種施工理念,隧道開挖後視地質狀況重複利用岩栓、噴凝土、鋼支堡及鋼絲網等作業完成隧道輪進工作,而模擬分析技術(Simulation Technology)非常適用於像隧道施工等具高重複性施工作業之工程,可利用於作業計畫、排程及生產力之分析,且在於國外利用電腦配合模擬分析技術已行之有年,並有相當之成效。
Construction processes are complex operations that include the uses of equipment, materials, crews and geological conditions. Simulation can be used to study these processes in order to make competent decisions that will lower costs and shorten the duration of the project before it has started. Tunneling is a highly repetitive construction operation and simulation can be used to analyze the process. The described research was done of the Ba-Guah Mountain Highway Tunnel Project on the central-west coast of Taiwan. CYCLONE methodology was used to simulate the tunneling processes. This project is unique because of the soil conditions. The gravel foundation ranged from loose to heavily compacted, which created a challenge building the 5km long twin-tube tunnel using NATM tunneling techniques. This research highlights the problems encountered with geological conditions as well what factors have affected the project’s progression.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0709102-131133
