姓名 |
Chun) |
電子郵件信箱 |
tsouwen@kcg.gov.tw |
畢業系所 |
and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering) |
畢業學位 |
碩士(Master) |
畢業時期 |
93學年第2學期 |
論文名稱(中) |
以敲擊回音法檢測道路工程之瀝青混凝土鋪築厚度可行性研究 |
論文名稱(英) |
Feasibility of
Measuring the thickness of Asphalt Concrete Structures In Road
Engineering Using Impact-Echo Method |
檔案 |
本電子全文僅授權使用者為學術研究之目的,進行個人非營利性質之檢索、閱讀、列印。 請遵守中華民國著作權法之相關規定,切勿任意重製、散佈、改作、轉貼、播送,以免觸法。
論文使用權限 |
校內外完全公開 |
論文語文/頁數 |
中文/177 |
摘要(中) |
本研究以敲擊回音法檢測現場瀝青混凝土版狀構造物厚度,評估取代現行採用破壞性之鑽心試驗作為工程品質驗收及爾後安全檢查之可行性研究。研究結果顯示底部為碎石級配鋪層之AC混凝土版厚度檢測方面,頗具可行性。惟由本次檢測結果,顯示現場AC混凝土有高度非均質之特性,在同一區塊不同測點之波速可能會有大小不同之差異,另對於AC混凝土鋪面所檢測之結果,在部分測點其與真實厚度有明顯之誤差存在,此乃由於AC混凝土版鋪築過程中採分兩層壓密,因此由表面檢測之瀝青混凝土波速可能與整體厚度之平均瀝青混凝土波速有較大的誤差。此外,與地面鋪層碎石級配銜接處點,因壓實過程造成析離現象或因粘層而膠結為一體,所導致檢測之厚度不只是AC混凝土的厚度,而是AC混凝土與碎石級配接觸點析離後之厚度或AC混凝土與碎石級配表層膠結後混合構造物之厚度,故以非破壞檢測敲擊回音法量測厚度與實際量取鑽心試體長度所得之結果有AC混凝土最大粗骨材級配料粒徑或AC下面碎石級配鋪層最大粗骨材粒徑之容許誤差,爰此,為縮小厚度量測之容許誤差範圍,實有必要進一步研究及改良以提高量測時之資料擷取速度和頻譜解析度,另需增加量測之密度以模擬AC與下層碎石級配膠結情形。 |
摘要(英) |
The study is aimed
to evaluate the feasibility of using the impact-echo method to replace
the conventional destructive core test for estimating the thickness of
the plate-like structure in asphalt concrete pavement. Since promising
results were found for asphalt concrete pavement with coarse aggregate
substrate, the impact-echo method has a great potential in practical
application for nondestructive measurement of pavement thickness. In the
result, highly inhomogeneous characteristic of asphalt concrete is
presented because large variance in P-wave speed is measured for tests
performing at different location of the same section. Some obviations
were found between the measured thickness and the coring thickness. It
is largely caused by variation between the P-wave speed measured on the
surface and the average P-wave speed through the thickness, since the
pavement was placed and compacted in two layers. Secondly, gluing the
coarse aggregate of the substrate level and separating the coarse
aggregate at the bottom of the asphalt concrete during compacting
process also lead to errors in thickness measurement. Thus, a possible
range of error in thickness measurement is plus one maximum coarse
aggregate size in substrate or minus one coarse aggregate size in
asphalt concrete. More researches for improving the test method should
be proceeded. |
關鍵字(中) |
敲擊回音法 |
關鍵字(英) |
Asphalt Concrete Structures
Using Impact-Echo Method |
指導教授 |