Chinese Name: 許世宗
English name: Hsu Shih-Tsung
Address: 台中縣霧峰鄉吉峰東路168號
Telephone: 04-23323000-4245
FAX: 04-23742325


  1. Hsu, S. T., Hsiao, W. T., Chen, K. T., Hu, W.C., and Wu, S. Y. (2017, Jun). Anchorage Behaviors of Frictional Tieback Anchors in Silty Sand. Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Conference Series, Vol. 216, pp. 012038.
  2. Hsu, S. T., Pan, C. L., Huang, C. C., and Hu, W. C. (2015, Dec). A Numerical Model for Analyzing the Behaviors of Deep Arrayed Anchor Groups in Dense Sand. Progress in Informatics and Computing, IEEE, 186-190. (EI). MOST 103- 2221-E-324-009-MY2.
  3. Hsu, S. T. (2014, Oct). Behaviors of large-scale driven PC piles. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22(4), 487-497. (SCI, 74/85, Engineering Oceanography).
  4. Hsu, S. T. and Hu, W. C. (2014, Aug). Uplift behavior of shaft anchors in silty sand in Taipei Basin. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(2), 175-188. (SCI, 73/90, Engineering Multidisciplinary). NSC 100-2628-E-324-001.
  5. Kung Gordon T. C. , Wang, C. C. , Tamrakar, S. B. , Tang Y. G. , Hsu S. T.* and Chen, L. C. (2014, Jun). Early-warning approaches for landslide using rainfall indices. Disaster Advances, 7(6), 33-44. (SCI, 47/172, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary).
  6. Hsu, S. T. (2013, Nov). Interactive behaviors of anchor groups in sand. Disaster Advances, 6(11), 66-76. (SCI, 47/172, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary).
  7. Hsu, S.T. and Tan, Y.G. (2013, Oct). Anchorage behavior of mechanically underreamed anchors in silty sand. Disaster Advances, 6(10), 31-44. (SCI, 47/172, Geology Meteorology).
  8. Hsu, S.T. (2012, Jun). Behavior of pressure-grouted anchors in gravel. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 49(6), 719-728. (SCI, 13/32, Engineering Geological). NSC 99-2628-E-324-005.
  9. Hsu, S.T. and Hu, W.C. (2013, Mar). Field Performance of Ground Anchors in Taichung Basin. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 718-720, pp 1882-1887. (EI).
  10. Hu, W.C. and Hsu, S.T. (2012, Apr). Numerical Modeling of Earth Structures: Frictional Anchors in Sand. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 486, pp. 214-220. (EI). NSC 100-2628-E-324-001.
  11. Hsu, S.T. (2011, Oct). Numerical simulation of driven piles in alluvial soil. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 105-107, pp. 1415-1419. (EI). NSC 99- 2628-E-324-005.
  12. Hsu, S.T. (2011, Jun). Elucidating of uplift behavior of underreamed anchor groups in sand. Geotechnical Special Publication, ASCE, No. 222, pp. 9-16. (EI). NSC 99-2628-E-324-005.
  13. Hsu, S.T. (2011, Apr). A numerical study on the uplift behavior of underreamed anchors in silty sand. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 189-193, pp 2013-2018. (EI). NSC 99-2628-E-324-005.
  14. Hsu, S.T. (2010, Dec). Axially loaded behavior of driven PC piles. AIP Proceedings, 1511-1506. (EI). NSC 96-2211-E-324-030-MY3.

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