Module 7: Spanning-Tree Protocol 
7.1 Redundant Topologies 
7.1.1 Redundancy 

This page will explain how redundancy can improve network reliability and performance.


7.1.2 Redundant topologies 

A goal of redundant topologies is to eliminate network outages caused by a single point of failure. All networks need redundancy for enhanced reliability.


7.1.3 Redundant switched topologies 

If Switch A fails, traffic can still flow from Segment 2 to Segment 1 and to the router through Switch B.


7.1.4 Broadcast storms 

If Host X sends a broadcast, like an ARP request for the Layer 2 address of the router, then Switch A will forward the broadcast out all ports. Switch B is on the same segment and also forwards all broadcasts. Switch B receives all the broadcasts that Switch A forwarded and Switch A receives all the broadcasts that Switch B forwarded. Switch A forwards the broadcasts received from Switch B. Switch B forwards the broadcasts received from Switch A.


7.1.5 Multiple frame transmissions 

Switch A does not have the MAC address of Router Y and will therefore flood the frame out its ports. Switch B also does not know which port Router Y is on. Switch B then floods the frame it received. This causes Router Y to receive multiple copies of the same frame. This results in unnecessary utilization of network resources.


7.1.6 Media access control database instability 

In a redundant switched network it is possible for switches to learn the wrong information. A switch can incorrectly learn that a MAC address is on one port, when it is actually on a different port. In this example the MAC address of Router Y is not in the MAC address table of either switch.

在備援的交換網路中,交換器是有可能學習到錯誤的資訊。一個交換器可能將某一個MAC位址誤認為是在某一埠,但它卻是連接在另一個埠。在這個例子中, 路由器Y的MAC位址並沒有在這兩台交換器的MAC位址表中。

Host X sends a frame directed to Router Y. Switches A and B learn the MAC address of Host X on port 0.


The frame to Router Y is flooded on port 1 of both switches. Switches A and B receive this information on port 1 and incorrectly learn the MAC address of Host X on port 1. When Router Y sends a frame to Host X, Switch A and Switch B also receive the frame and will send it out port 1. This is unnecessary, but the switches have incorrectly learned that Host X is on port 1.


In this example the unicast frame from Router Y to Host X will be caught in a loop.


7.2 Spanning-Tree Protocol 
7.2.1 Redundant topology and spanning tree 

In the Layer 2 header, there is no Time To Live (TTL) value. If a frame is sent into a Layer 2 looped topology of switches, it can loop forever. This wastes bandwidth and makes the network unusable.


A physical topology that contains switching or bridging loops is necessary for reliability, yet a switched network cannot have loops.


The solution is to allow physical loops, but create a loop free logical topology. For this logical topology, traffic destined for the server farm attached to Cat-5 from any user workstation attached to Cat-4 will travel through Cat-1 and Cat-2. This will happen even though there is a direct physical connection between Cat-5 and Cat-4.

解決方法是允許實體拓樸有迴圈,但不要讓邏輯拓撲有迴圈。 在這個邏輯拓撲中,從連接到CAT-4交換器的任何使用者工作站,傳送網路流量到連接至CAT-5交換器的伺服器群,都必須流經CAT-1與CAT-2交換器。儘管CAT-5與CAT-4交換器有直接的連結,這樣的情況仍然有可能會發生。

The loop free logical topology created is called a tree. This topology is a star or extended star logical topology. This topology is the spanning-tree of the network. It is a spanning-tree because all devices in the network are reachable or spanned.

沒有迴圈的邏輯拓撲叫做樹。 這種拓撲是星狀或延伸式星狀的邏輯拓撲。 這種拓撲是擴充樹的網路。因為網路上所有裝置都是可到達的或是可擴展的,所以稱為擴充樹。

The algorithm used to create this loop free logical topology is the spanning-tree algorithm. This algorithm can take a relatively long time to converge. A new algorithm called the rapid spanning-tree algorithm was developed to reduce the time for a network to compute a loop free logical topology.


7.2.2 Spanning-tree protocol 

Ethernet bridges and switches can implement the IEEE 802.1d Spanning-Tree Protocol and use the spanning-tree algorithm to construct a loop free shortest path network.


Shortest path is based on cumulative link costs. Link costs are based on the speed of the link.


The Spanning-Tree Protocol establishes a root node called the root bridge. The Spanning-Tree Protocol constructs a topology that has one path for every node on the network. This tree originates from the root bridge. Redundant links that are not part of the shortest path tree are blocked.


It is because certain paths are blocked that a loop free topology is possible. Data frames received on blocked links are dropped.


The Spanning-Tree Protocol requires network devices to exchange messages to detect bridging loops. Links that will cause a loop are put into a blocking state.


Switches send messages called the bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) to allow the formation of a loop free logical topology. BPDUs continue to be received on blocked ports. This ensures that if an active path or device fails, a new spanning-tree can be calculated.

交換器送出所謂的橋接器協定資料單元(BPDUs)訊息來確認沒有迴圈的邏輯拓撲之形成。在被阻隔的埠上會持續收到BPDUs訊息。 如此可確保當一個正常運作的路徑或裝置失效時,會重新計算擴充樹。

BPDUs contain information that allow switches to perform specific actions:


7.2.3 Spanning-tree operation 

When the network has stabilized, it has converged and there is one spanning-tree per network.


As a result, for every switched network the following elements exist:


Root ports and designated ports are used for forwarding (F) data traffic.


Non-designated ports discard data traffic. These ports are called blocking (B) or discarding ports.


7.2.4 Selecting the root bridge 

When a switch is turned on, the spanning-tree algorithm is used to identify the root bridge. BPDUs are sent out with the bridge ID (BID). The BID consists of a bridge priority that defaults to 32768 and the switch MAC address. By default BPDUs are sent every two seconds.

當一個交換器被開機時,擴充樹演算法會 先去找根橋接器。他會送出含有橋接器代號(BID)的BPDUs。 BID包含了橋接器優先權(預設值為32768)和交換器的MAC位址。預設狀況下, BPDUs每隔二秒會送出一次。

When a switch first starts up, it assumes it is the root switch and sends BPDUs that contain the switch MAC address in both the root and sender BID. These BPDUs are considered inferior because they are generated from the designated switch that has lost its link to the root bridge. The designated switch transmits the BPDUs with the information that it is the root bridge as well as the designated bridge. These BPDUs contain the switch MAC address in both the root and sender BID. The BIDs are received by all switches. Each switch replaces higher root BIDs with lower root BIDs in the BPDUs that are sent out. All switches receive the BPDUs and determine that the switch with the lowest root BID value will be the root bridge.

當一個交換器啟動時,就假設它是根交換器,並送出BPDUs訊息,其中根BID及傳送者BID都包含交換器的MAC位址。這些BPDUs訊息被認定為次級的,這是因為它們是從失去根橋接器連結後而產生的。這個指定交換器傳送BPDUs訊息,其中包含了它是根橋接器也是指定橋接器的資訊。這些BPDUs訊息之根BID及傳送者BID都包含交換器的MAC位址。而所有的交換器都會接收到這些BID。 每個交換器在傳送BPDUs訊息時會將較大的根BID以較小的根BID取代。所有的交換器都會收到這個BPDUs,而且會認定有最小BID的交換器為根橋接器。

Network administrators can set the switch priority to a smaller value than the default, which makes the BID smaller. This should only be implemented when the traffic flow on the network is well understood.


7.2.5 Stages of spanning-tree port states 

Time is required for protocol information to propagate throughout a switched network. Topology changes in one part of a network are not instantly known in other parts of the network due to propagation delay. Data loops can occur when a switch changes the state of a port too quickly.


Each port on a switch that uses the Spanning-Tree Protocol has one of five states, as shown in Figure .


In the blocking state, ports can only receive BPDUs. Data frames are discarded and no addresses can be learned. It may take up to 20 seconds to change from this state.


Ports transition from the blocking state to the listening state. In this state, switches determine if there are any other paths to the root bridge. The path that is not the least cost path to the root bridge returns to the blocking state. The listening period is called the forward delay and lasts for 15 seconds. In the listening state, data is not forwarded and MAC addresses are not learned. BPDUs are still processed.

埠從阻隔狀態改變到傾聽狀態。在這個狀態,交換器會決定是否有任何其他路徑可以通到根橋接器。如果這個路徑不是通往根橋接器的最低成本路徑,將會回到阻隔狀態。傾聽期間又稱為轉送延遲,會持續15秒鐘的時間。在傾聽狀態 下,資料是不被轉送的,同時也不學習MAC位址了。但BPDUs仍然會被處理。

Ports transition from the listening state to the learning state. In this state, data is not forwarded, but MAC addresses are learned from traffic that is received. The learning state lasts for 15 seconds and is also called the forward delay. BPDUs are still processed.


Ports transitions from the learning state to the forwarding state. In this state user data is forwarded and MAC addresses continue to be learned. BPDUs are still processed.


A port can be in a disabled state. This disabled state can occur when an administrator shuts down the port or the port fails.


The time values given for each state are the default values. These values have been calculated on an assumption that there will be a maximum of seven switches in any branch of the spanning-tree from the root bridge.


7.2.6 Spanning-tree recalculation 

A switched internetwork has converged when all the switch and bridge ports are in either the forwarding or blocking state. Forwarding ports send and receive data traffic and BPDUs. Blocking ports only receive BPDUs.


When the network topology changes, switches and bridges recompute the spanning-tree and cause a disruption in network traffic.


Convergence on a new spanning-tree topology that uses the IEEE 802.1d standard can take up to 50 seconds. This convergence is made up of the max-age of 20 seconds, plus the listening forward delay of 15 seconds, and the learning forward delay of 15 seconds.

使用國際電機電子工程學會(IEEE)802.1d標準讓一個新的擴充樹拓撲收斂最多花費50秒鐘的時間。其中,最大過期時間 為20秒,傾聽的轉送延遲15秒,還有學習的轉送延遲15秒。

Lab Exercise: Spanning-Tree Recalculation

In this lab, the student will create a basic switch configuration and verify it and observe the behavior of spanning-tree algorithm in presence of switched network topology changes.

7.2.7 Rapid spanning-tree protocol 

The Rapid Spanning-Tree Protocol is defined in the IEEE 802.1w LAN standard. The standard and protocol introduce new features:


The blocking state of a port is renamed as the discarding state. The role of a discarding port is that of an alternate port. The discarding port can become the designated port if the designated port of the segment fails.


Link types have been defined as point-to-point, edge-type, and shared. These changes allow rapid discovery of link failure in switched networks.

連結類型可以被定義為點對點、端點類型和分享。 而這些狀態的改變是為了要快速的發現交換網路的連結失效。

Point-to-point links and edge-type links can go to the forwarding state immediately.


Network convergence should take no longer than 15 seconds with these changes.


The Rapid Spanning-Tree Protocol, IEEE 802.1w, will eventually replace the Spanning-Tree Protocol, IEEE 802.1d.
