行 政 大 樓
Administration Building |
6F |
- Conference Hall
- Reception Room
- Printing
5F |
- 董事會
- 董事長室
- 董事會秘書長室
- 波錠基金會
- 研發長室
- 研究發展處 綜合企劃組、計畫管理組
- 產合長室
- 產學合作處 產學企劃組、智財技轉組、三創教育與發展中心、學研產中心
- 教務處 招生服務中心
- 會議室
- 綠色永續管理中心
- The Board of Trustees
- Office of Chairman of the Board
- Secretary General
- Poding Foundation
- Dean of Research and Development
- Offices of Research and Development
- Dean of Industry-Academia Collaboration
- Office of Industry-Academia
- Collaboration(Office of IAC)
- Academia-Industry Integration Strategic Planning Center
- Recruitment Services Center
- Conference Room
- Sustainable management Center
4F |
- 副校長室
- 稽核室
- 監察人室
- 財務處
- 人力資源處
- 通識教育中心
- 校友服務暨職涯發展處 校友服務組、職涯發展組
- Office of the Vice President
- Office of Auditing
- Office of Inspector
- Office of Finance
- Office of Human Resources
- General Education Center
- Office of Alumni Service and Career Development
- Alumni Service Section
- Career Development Sectio
3F |
- 校長室
- 秘書長室
- 秘書處 文書議事組、行政庶務組、公共事務組
- 國際長室
- 國際暨兩岸合作處 學術交流組、學生服務組、大陸事務組
- 簡報室
- Office of the President
- Secretary General
- Office of Secretaries
- Dean of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation
- Offices of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation
- Briefing Room
2F |
- 教務長室
- 教務處 註冊組、課務組
- 學務長室
- 校務研究辦公室、執行長室
- 總務處 營繕組、保管組
- 會議室、招標室
- Dean of Academic Affairs
- Offices of Academic Affairs
- Dean of Student Affairs
- Director of Institutional Research Office
- Offices of General Affairs
- Meeting Room
1F |
- 總務長室
- 總務處 事務組、採購組、出納組
- 環境安全衛生處
- 學務處 軍訓室、生活輔導組、衛生保健組健康中心
- 服務台
- Dean of General Affairs
- Offices of General Affairs
- Office of Environmental Safety and Health
- Offices of Student Affairs
- Information
B1 |
B2 |