人 文 與 科 技 大 樓
Humanities and Technology Building |
10F |
- Laboratories of Department and Graduate Institute of Applied Chemistry
9F |
- Laboratories of Department and Graduate Institute of Applied Chemistry
8F |
- Professional Classrooms of Department and Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Development and Education
- Laboratories of Department and Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management
7F |
- 應用化學系實驗室
- 環境工程與管理系實驗室
- 自主學習區 G-717
- Laboratories of Department and Graduate Institute of Applied Chemistry
- Laboratories of Department and Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management
- Self-Learning Area G-717
6F |
- 環境工程與管理系主任室、辦公室、實驗室
- 應用化學系主任室、辦公室
- 幼兒保育系專業教室
- 電腦教室 G-609~610
- 普通教室 G-608
- Offices and Laboratories of Department and Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management
- Offices of Department and Graduate Institute of Applied Chemistry
- Professional Classrooms of Department and Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Development and Education
- Computer Classroom G-609~6100
- Classroom G-608
5F |
- 幼兒保育系主任室、辦公室
- 應用英語系主任室、辦公室、專業教室
- 電腦教室 G-509~510
- Offices of Department and Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Development and Education
- Offices and Professional Classrooms of Department and Graduate Institute of Applied English
- Computer Classrooms G-509~510
4F |
- 人文暨社會學院院長室
- 人文暨社會學院辦公室
- 教授研究室 G-405~427、430~437
- 會議室 G-439
- Dean of College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Office of College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty Offices G-405~427, 430~437
- Conference Room G-439
3F |
- 師資培育中心主任室、辦公室
- 社會工作系主任室、辦公室、專業教室
- 應用英語系語言教室
- Offices of The Center for Teacher Education
- Offices and Professional Classrooms of Department of Social Work
- Professional Classrooms of Department and Graduate Institute of Applied English
2F |
- 師資培育中心專業教室
- 師資培育中心普通教室 G-206, 210
- 幼兒保育系專業教室
- 普通教室 G-211~213
- Professional Classrooms of The Center for Teacher Education
- Classroom of Teacher Education Center G-205~206, 210
- Professional Classrooms of Department and Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Development and Education
- Classrooms G-211~213
1F |
- 普通教室 G-104~107、112、 114~115
- 教具室、教師休息室 G-113
- Classrooms G-104~107, 112, 114~115
- Classroom Equipment & Faculty Lounge G-113
B1 |
- Laboratories of Department and Graduate Institute of Applied Chemistry
- Professional Classrooms of College of Aviation
B2 |