設 計 大 樓
Design Building |
9F |
- 建築系專業教室
- 景觀及都市設計系專業教室
- 設計學院專業教室
- 空中花園
- Professional Classrooms of Department of Architecture
- Professional Classrooms of Department of Landscape and Urban Design
- Professional Classroom of College of Design
- Ecological Roof Garden
8F |
- 景觀及都市設計系專業教室
- 教授研究室 D-801~818
- Professional Classrooms of Department of Landscape and Urban Design
- Faculty Offices D-801~818
7F |
- 建築系專業教室
- 教授研究室 D-702~719、730
- Professional Classrooms of Department of Architecture
- Faculty Offices D-702~719, 730
6F |
- 建築系主任室、辦公室、專業教室
- 景觀及都市設計系主任室、辦公室
- 教授研究室D-630
- Offices and Professional Classrooms of Department of Architecture
- Offices of Department of Landscape and Urban Design
- Faculity Offices D-630
5F |
- Offices and Professional Classrooms of Department of Industrial Design
4F |
- Offices and Professional Classrooms of Department of Visual Communication Design
3F |
- 設計學院設計資訊中心
- 設計學院電腦教室D-307~310、315
- 工業設計系專業教室
- 視覺傳達設計系專業教室
- 設計學院專業教室
- Design Information Center
- Computer Classrooms D-307~310, 315
- Professional Classrooms of Department of Industrial Design
- Professional Classrooms of Department of Visual Communication Design
- Professional Classroom of College of Design
2F |
- 設計學院創意設計中心
- 傳播藝術系專業教室
- 語言中心
- 語言教室 D-205~206
- 演講廳 D-202~204
- Creative & Design Center
- Professional Classroom of Department of Communication Arts
- Language Center
- Language Lab. D-205~206
- Auditorium D-202~204
1F |
- 設計學院院長室
- 設計學院辦公室
- 傳播藝術系主任室、辦公室、專業教室
- 工業設計系專業教室
- 禮堂
- Dean of College of Design
- Office of College of Design
- Offices and Professional Classrooms of Department of Communication Arts
- Professional Classrooms of Department of Visual Communication Design
- Auditorium
B1 |
- 工業設計系工廠辦公室
- 實習工廠
- 工業設計系專業教室
- 藝廊
- Office of Workshop
- Workshops of Department of Industrial Design
- Professional Classrooms of Department of Industrial Design
- Art Hall
B2 |