姓名 吳茂村(Mao-Tsun Wu) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 90學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 外牆磁磚整磚模式之研究
論文名稱(英) Tile Placing Optimization for External Face of Building
  • etd-0807102-034057.pdf
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    論文語文/頁數 中文/152
    摘要(中) 中文摘要
    在建築工程中裝修金額約佔總金額的50%,其中外牆磁磚的工程金額約為總金額的0.07∼0.1% ,雖所佔的金額比例不多,但對整個工程外觀的成敗具有決定性的影響。於整磚計劃時常受磁磚規格、樓高、柱梁斷面與跨度的限制,所以外牆在整磚上具相當程度的困難,目前坊間對探討磁磚計畫的書籍中,都以概略的方式說明規畫原則,缺乏一套完整的修正式與整磚實例驗證,以致營造業在耗費許多人力資源後,,仍無法達到預期的效果,有鑑於此建構一套完整的修正式,解決目前的整磚缺失已屬刻不容緩。
    本研究所提的整磚修正模式,以各構件先確定陽角的續接型式,經整磚計算後調整斷面,對冷氣窗台板的尺寸與外牆窗的開孔,直接以整磚改良工法與結構體一併施工後,再套用已設定的陰角收頭,即可得到整磚收頭之效,本研究經實例驗證方塊磚、丁掛磚後除可預知整磚效果外,同時可藉整磚計畫圖實際精算,幾乎可以節省磁磚材料在慣例所增列3% 的損耗量,與減少浪費川砂的有限資源,更可降低支付粉刷打底再補厚的工資及所增加的工期,對營造業而言將可節省磁磚的工料成本與直接提升管理績效。
    摘要(英) ABSTRACT
    It is estimated that fifty percent of the total budget in the construction of a building is spent on the building’s decoration. 0.07-1.0% of the total budget is spent on placing tiles on the external faces of the building. Tile placement plays an important role in the building’s appearance. Plans can be made to place the tiles on the surface of buildings, however the placement is limited by the size of the tiles, the height of the floors, the cross sectional area of the columns and pillars, and the span between the pillars. Due to these limitations, it is extremely difficult to place the tiles on external surfaces in an optimal manner.
    Previous research has not yet explored the optimal placement of tiles on the external surfaces of buildings. In order to place the tiles in an optimal way, the sizing and placement of the doors, windows, columns, pillars and spans need to be considered. This research develops a model to guide practitioners to create an optimal tile placement plan for the external surfaces of buildings. From the case studies, the developed model is proven not only accurate in placing tiles optimally but is also conducive to cost saving due to creating an optimal tile plan from the beginning of the project.
  • 整磚計畫
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • Tile Placing Optimization
  • 指導教授
  • 鄭道明
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