姓名 陳燕良(Yen-Liang Chen) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 90學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 營建作業流程電腦模擬-資源組合最佳化改良模式
論文名稱(英) Improve Heuristic Algorithms for Construction Operations Simulation Optimizations
  • etd-0701102-161816.pdf
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    論文語文/頁數 中文/88
    摘要(中) 自西元1960年代營建業導入電模模擬技術至今,許多研究皆致力於利用電腦模擬技術分析營建作業流程,結果亦證明電腦模擬可用以分析營建作業流程之各項績效指標值(如生產力及單位成本等)之工具。而雖然電腦模擬工具可用以分析作業流程,但在面臨多類型資源或組合龐大之組合最佳化問題時,傳統之電腦模擬係以窮舉法窮盡搜尋所有可能組合解,以最佳化系統之績效,雖可保證求得最佳指標解,但卻有著耗時及效率不彰之缺點;近年來則有許多研究結合基因演算法及電腦模擬求解組合最佳解之問題,但卻僅有少數研究係針對問題特性建立其特殊之演算法則,以增進系統之搜尋效率。
    摘要(英) Computer simulation techniques have been used for system analysis and resource allocation in order to optimize performance. Traditionally, to find the optimal solution an exhaustive search would have to be conducted. If the resource alternatives increase explosively, the task of locating optimal solutions will become time-consuming. To avoid an exhaustive enumeration of trial-and-error combinations of a given system, this research aimed towards building heuristic rules to assist the system in searching for near optimum solutions.
    This research presents techniques that are useful in guiding the system in its search for the most appropriate resource allocation. Two objectives that maximize the production rate and minimize the unit cost are discussed. Also, optimizing system performance using the proposed method to attain these objectives is presented. Depending on the specified objectives, resource performance is analyzed and new combinations of resources are recommended to get closer to the desired optimum allocation.
    Ultimately, the heuristic algorithm function developed in this research was applied to the CYCLONE-based simulation program named COST (Construction Operation Simulation Tool). This program was then used to run case studies to demonstrate the advantage of applying heuristic algorithms to simulate construction operations.
  • 啟發式演算法
  • 電腦模擬
  • 組合最佳化
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • optimization
  • heuristic algorithms
  • simulation
  • 指導教授
  • 鄭道明
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