姓名 羅瑞榮(Jui-Jung Lo) 電子郵件信箱 10301m@chsmr.chc.edu.tw
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 91學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 學校工程以統包與專業營建管理(PCM)發包策略之研究
論文名稱(英) A study of Turnkey and PCM based procurement strategy management in school construction
  • etd-0814103-034001.pdf
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    論文語文/頁數 中文/107
    摘要(中) 摘  要
    近年來,由於工程環境日趨複雜,傳統的工程執行方式已不敷需求,面對公共工程績效不佳之窘境,工程業主需採行較新的管理方式來改善;除此之外,政府部門近年來為精減人事,積極鼓勵民間參與公共事務,對公共工程而言,委託專業營建管理(Professional Construction-Management)(P.C.M)服務便是一項善用民間人力資源之工程管理方式。
    摘要(英) Abstract
    Public construction works shall be conducted on the basis of humanity﹐and aimed at creating﹐impoving﹐maintaining the living space of human﹒As the expenditure of public construcion works shares a significant portion of annual government budget﹐it is therefore important for the government to conduct the construction works through open and fair procurement procedures﹐to select qualified contractors to perform﹐and to magnify the contribution of resources. Design –and- build is one of the procurement procedures in meeting such goals;According to previous studies﹐in many developed countries﹐the number of projects using this method has been constantly incressing and it has become a trend﹒In Taiwan the increasing use of the design-build delivery method can also be observed﹐especially﹐after the Governmment Procurement Law was promulgated on May 27﹐1999﹒The project delivery system of the State-Owned Enterprise is facing hefty re-engineering. Many studies have been made on the design-build delivery method﹒
    Since the engineering environment becomes more and more complex﹐it is getting more difficult to perform the engineering by using the conventional methods recently. In order to promote the efficiency of the projects﹐project owners have to adopt new management manners. Moreover﹐the government agency encourages the private sector to engage in public affair to decrease the number of employee of the government﹒Therefore﹐the adoption of the P.C.M service is a way in utilizing the work force of the private sector for public work﹒
    Generally speaking. most schools don’t hove enough personnel to handle the procurement. They need to deal with things like engineering﹐general affairs﹐and financial problems. It is because those personnel are lack of engineering knowledge﹐Hepce ﹐the system of Design-Build and P.C.M service become more important for schools construction﹒
    The system of Design-Build can reduce work days﹐save effort of joint connection﹐advance construction quality﹐help apply new methods and new materials﹐The utilization of P.C.M makes procurement procedure smoother﹐ It also makes good use of work force and well controls construction quality﹐work clays and provides substitute methods﹒
    There are many essays on Package Contract, PCM and school construction projects, but most of them are aimed at the professional project organizers as a research basis. There are few essays on the project organizers who have no project background or no experiences on the certain projects as a research basis. These organizers are banks, schools (senior/junior middle high schools, vocational high schools and elementary schools as examples), insurance companies, land development companies and marine companies. However, there are many such kinds of project organizers. They need more options to handle the project purchase.
    This research is based on the view points of both proprietor’s and the contractor’s experiences and demands. The contractors mentioned in this paragraph include Package Contractor Team and Professional Construction Management Team. It is to probe the possibility of applying Package Contract Project and PCM on the farming-out-strategy for school construction projects. Following 6 points are the research results:
    1.For senior/junior middle high schools, vocational high schools and elementary schools, their manpower under current organizations is insufficient, but they have many options to solve this problem, such as selecting Package Contract, Package Contract + PCM, or Entrusted design/supervision + PCM. For the time being schools need to seek the assistance of Package Contract and PCM because their advantages can smooth away the problems on school constructions, upgrade building quality, and reduce the complaint on school constructions.
    2.When a contractor signs a contract to carry out a school construction, the scale of the project is the 1st priority that he would consider, but actually the percentage on this consideration is not very high. From the analysis on tender decision or on the feedback data, we understand it is unnecessary to consider the scale of school constructions under the method of Package Contract. We must value the principle of market supply and demand.
    3.PCM’s biggest assistances to the proprietor are on reviewing and signing the contracts. PCM offers a certain degree of assistance on every respects. PCM’s assistances to Package Contractor include the integration of project interfaces, the conformity to proprietor’s needs, cost saving, an increment on working efficiency, a communication bridge with the proprietor, a reduction on failure risk of the project and aid on construction accidents. Thus, it can be seen that PCM system offers a certain degree of assistance to both the proprietor and the contractor. PCM system has a certain degree of importance on school construction projects.
    4.The Package Contract (including the most advantageous priced tender) has a certain degree of identification on farming out school construction projects. The system of the reasonable priced tender in early stage has a certain degree of identification, too. However, there is no such system (Package Contract) in the purchase law of our government. It is worthwhile for the relevant authorities to review and consider.
    5.The constructor prefers Percentage Rate based on the construction expenses for paying PCM services. This Package Contract System is carried out according to the regulations of “ Rate and Selection on Entrusted Professional Service Companies” issued by Public Works Committee of Executive Yuan.
    6.The proprietor and the contractor have a big difference on the identification of common defects of school constructions due to different standpoints. What the proprietor regards as common defects are no one responsible for reviewing the design drawings, dishonest supervision and dishonest quality control, total 3 items. What the contractor regards as common defects are a short budget, a tender binding, a false attending on the tender and a rush schedule for the construction project.
  • 學校工程
  • 統包工程
  • 專案管理
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • NONE
  • 指導教授
  • 潘 乃 欣
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