姓名 黃士益(shih-yi Huang) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 93學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 營建工程補助行為中非機關採購人員辦理採購時之法律地位
論文名稱(英) Legal Status of Non-government Organization’s Procurement Personnel When Conducting Any Procurement in Construction Engineering Grant
  • etd-0817105-072952.pdf
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    論文語文/頁數 中文/132
    摘要(中) 營建工程所需之建造成本,往往金額龐大。對於具有公共目的性質或須增添公共設施之法人、團體而言,要其負擔整個營建工程之建造費用,似乎頗為艱難。基於最終公共目的之需要,政府得藉由補助行為「誘使」法人、團體間接代為執行營建工程之採購。政府採購法實施以前,於機關自行訂定之補助法令當中,往往僅針對接受補助之法人、團體。倘若違反補助法令之規定,補助機關有權利向法人、團體追討補助金或不予補助之。而上述規範之對象,皆未曾涵蓋辦理採購之採購人員,乃係由於其與法人、團體間係屬私法契約上之關係,一旦違法,得由法人、團體自行對其提起告訴。然採購法實施以後,符合機關補助法人、團體之規定者,除依採購法規定辦理採購外,法人、團體所屬之採購人員(即本文所稱非機關採購人員)亦須受採購人員倫理準則之規範,使得非機關採購人員於辦理採購時之法律地位受到影響。採購法立法之初,除為建立方便且公平之採購程序為目的外,亦對採購人員有所期盼,以致加入相關採購人員之規範。其規定中雖以機關採購人員為主,但部份法條內容對非機關採購人員卻似有差異矛盾之現象,如此對非機關採購人員而言,無端地受到與以往不同之法律地位。礙於現行採購法令未能明確規定非機關採購人員辦理採購時之法律關係,惟有確立出非機關採購人員辦理採購時之法律地位,方能使其明白身處所在之法律關係,瞭解於辦理採購時,本身所應負相關責任、權利與義務。
    摘要(英) Legal Status of Non-government Organization’s Procurement Personnel When Conducting Any Procurement in Construction Engineering Grant
    Construction usually costs a lot in manufacture operation. Also it is not easy for the juridical persons, organizations who are in the name of public purpose to afford the whole cost on building the construction engineering. On the basis of the need of the final public purpose, the government must lure juridical persons, organizations into carrying out the purchase which builds the project indirectly with the behavior of subsidizing.
    Before the Government Procurement Act (GPA) is acted, regulations only stipulated for the rights and obligations between government and juridical persons, organizations. However, it even more included the procurement personnel who are working in juridical persons and organizations after GPA is acted. It gives big influence for these persons when they are executing the purchases.
    As GPA was formulated, the government expected that there will be fair and suitable for these procurement personnel. Also, the government believed that these persons should be specialized. That’s why GPA extra states them. As we know that GPA is the law which mainly suited by the government organization’s procurement personnel. However, only few parts have stated for non-government organization’s procurement personnel. As far as non-government organization’s procurement personnel are concerned, this Act is not suitable. Therefore, there might be some problems appeared when they are executing the purchases. This thesis there discussed legal status of non-government organization’s procurement personnel when conducting any procurement in construction engineering grant.
    It is founded that there are some problems when non-government organization’s procurement personnel purchasing according to GPA. Therefore, we could consider them as a public official of Criminal Act as the period of the time when they are executing the purchases. Maybe we can give them the name of short-term or temporary public official. In this thesis, it is conduced being unfair and unreasonable if non-government organization’s procurement personnel are treated as public official when they are executing the purchases.
  • 補助
  • 刑法上公務員
  • 非機關採購人員
  • 政府採購法
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • GPA
  • procurement personnel
  • 口試委員
  • 伍勝民
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