姓名 黃國賢(Guo-shien Huang) 電子郵件信箱 s9551606@cyut.edu.tw
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 96學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 個人數位助理應用於公路測量計算之研究
論文名稱(英) Application Research of Personal Digital Assistant on Highway Survey Calculation
  • etd-0822108-121451.pdf
  • 本電子全文僅授權使用者為學術研究之目的,進行個人非營利性質之檢索、閱讀、列印。
    論文使用權限 校內外完全公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/93
    摘要(中) 摘要
    科技之進步一日千里,人類自使用計算器以來已經經歷了好幾個世紀,在近代工程上之計算更是如此,其代表的就是〝精確〞、及〝效率〞。本研究進一步探討新科技產品〝Personal Digital Assistant(PDA)〞在測量計算上之應用。
    本研究將經常運用於公路計算之各相關數學運算式,藉由Visual Basic.NET程式開發平台,發展出一套適合測量外業人員所能輕鬆使用但功能強大,且最主要是能於PDA中使用的計算程式。本研究所開發之程式能完全取代介面並不友善的工程用計算機,藉由程式的使用可使測量人員在施工現場擁有更快及更正確的計算能力,提升本身之專業能力。
    一、 利用線形之計算能力,可擴充開發出專用於隧道之收方程式。
    二、 結合目前最新之〝藍芽〞無線傳輸技術,利用PDA直接操控測量儀器進行放樣工作。
    三、 擴充為監造人員之測量檢測工具。
    摘要(英) Abstract
    As the civilization and industrialization advances significantly in the past several centuries, types of calculators have been used by the human-being as a very effective tool for development in many aspects. It is even more remarkable when the electronic type calculator has been introduced into the industries since 1960’s, especially for engineering calculations with tremendous improvements and advancements in precision and efficiency. The purpose of the study was to explore the feasibility of utilizing the currently commercially available Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) in the calculation of survey operations, with emphases placed on hardware and software developments, case calculation from actual construction project, and potential applications using the results of the study. 
    With the use of the Visual Basic.Net software development platform and traditional highway survey calculation formula, the study developed a capable and user-friendly software for the field surveyors using the PDA. The developed software can be used in lieu of some commonly used but complicated interface software in engineering calculators to help field surveyors obtain accurate results in more efficient manners, thus advance the capabilities and performances of the engineers.
    In addition to the general survey calculations, the software developed in the study can also be integrated with other related computer software and hardware to expand its functions as listed below:
    1) Development of converging formulas for tunnel survey calculation using the linear calculation capability of the software.
    2) The software may be combined with other cutting-edge technologies to develop an automatic system which could be used to operate the survey devices using the PDA as a comprehensive overall survey station.
    3) The software can be utilized by the construction supervising personnel in the field with its functions in automation and wireless data transfer.
    Keywords: PDA, survey calculation, construction automation
  • PDA
  • 測量計算
  • 工程自動
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • construction automation
  • PDA
  • survey calculation
  • 口試委員
  • 紀子文 - 召集委員
  • 蔡佩勳 - 委員
  • 張子修 - 指導教授
  • 口試日期 2008-07-30 繳交日期 2008-08-22

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