姓名 王永錡(Yung-chi Wang) 電子郵件信箱 yungchiwong@yahoo.com.tw
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 96學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 事故現場測繪精度之研究
論文名稱(英) Study of Surveying Precision on Traffic Accident Scene
  • etd-0827108-112758.pdf
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    論文使用權限 校內外完全公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/88
    摘要(中) 目前交通事故現場圖的繪製,受限於所使用的量測工具(捲尺或滾輪),僅能以量測距離為主,至於角度的測量只能以目測方式為之,致使所繪製交通事故現場圖的正確性常遭到質疑。現行,常用於繪製交通事故現場圖的量測方法有二:一為三定點法,此法常因測線間夾角過大或過小時,使得當測線彼此間的夾角有微小誤差時,即造成頗大的位置偏移誤差;另一方法為直角坐標法,此法應用在交通事故現場繪製的測量,假設目測標定於基準線(標線)與基準線外之測量點的連線成直角,若不為直角時,易造成繪製結果的偏差。為了探討這兩種方法的正確性,本研究以將上述二法分別在平地及斜坡施測,將所獲得之結果與電子光波經緯儀的結果做一比較。除此之外,本研究在直角坐標法中,增加距離的觀測量,配合三角幾何條件,藉此彌補基準線(標線)與基準線外之測量點的連線不成直角的情形。從實驗所獲的的數據,本研究發現﹕運用直角坐標法,可獲得接近電子光波經緯儀的量測結果;亦即,在繪製交通事故現場圖時,直角坐標法所獲的結果較三定點法佳。另外,運用不同的量測工具(滾輪與捲尺)進行繪製現場圖的量測,亦發現利用捲尺所獲的結果較使用滾輪為佳。最後,本研究亦發現不管在平地及斜坡上,在增加距離的觀測量下,利用捲尺配合現行直角坐標法,可大幅提升繪製交通事故現場圖的正確性。
    摘要(英) Currently, the accuracy of traffic accident on-site sketchs is limited to the measuring tools, like tapes or walking measuring wheels, because the measurements is made on the distances for those objects in an accident. Without measuring the relative angles between objects, the validity of traffic accident on-site sketch is often challenged. In Taiwan, two common measuring methods for drawing a traffic accident on-site sketch: one is trilateration method, and another one is offset method. Both methods have their limits. Trilateration can cause significant errors without aiming at the target. As for the offset method, it would have wrong positions if the angle is not 90 degrees. This research focuses on evaluating the accuracies of trilateration and offset methods. In this research, two accident scenes are setup: one is on the flat road, and another one is on the hill. In addition to trilateration and offset method with tapes and walking measuring wheels, a total station is employed to measuring angles and distances. With the measured angles and distances, the correct positions are calculated with the geometric principles. After comparing the results, we find out that the results got from offset method is close to the results got form the measurements with a total station. We also find out that the results measured by a tape are better than that measured by a walking measuring wheel. At last, if extra geometric constraints are given, the accuracy can be significantly increased.
  • 交通事故現場圖
  • 直角坐標法
  • 三定點法
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • traffic accident on-site sketch
  • trilateration method
  • offset method
  • 口試委員
  • 楊明德 - 召集委員
  • 程玉傑 - 委員
  • 林商裕 - 指導教授
  • 黃怡碩 - 指導教授
  • 口試日期 2008-07-05 繳交日期 2008-08-27

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