
年度: 96
姓名: 施志銘(Chih-Ming Shih)
論文題目(中): 具外覆材之冷軋型鋼構架牆體抗剪強度研究
論文題目(英): Monotonic Shear Tests of Cold-Formed Steel Wall Frames with Sheathing
本研究乃針對具外覆材冷軋型鋼構架牆體的抗剪強度進行相關實驗探討,牆試體之設計以二種高寬比(1.0及2.0)搭配三種外覆材(石膏板、矽酸鈣板與OSB板)並配合二種厚度(9 mm與12 mm),並在試體上亦貼附應變片以觀察牆體受力時其內部的應力變化狀況,同時對於牆體的極限強度、勁度、能量吸收、延性比與各個試體的破壞情況進行探討分析。另外,外覆材性質對於軋型鋼構架牆體抗剪強度是有影響的,本論文亦對於外覆材的彈性模數、剪力模數與密度進行相關實驗與探討。
由實驗結果得知,冷軋型鋼框架貼附外覆材可增加試體的極限強度,冷軋型鋼框架在應用相同的外覆材情形下,全尺寸單面外覆材試體比較之下12 mm比9 mm厚度平均增加9.11%,全尺寸雙面比單面外覆材平均增加45.40%,全尺寸試體比半尺寸試體平均增加65.44%,並且由實驗的極限強度的增加趨勢,提供合乎本實驗邊界條件下的極限強度預估公式。另外,對於延性比本論文亦對於不同形式的牆體也所建議值。
This research is focused on the experimental study of the structural strength of cold-formed steel wall frames with sheathing under monotonic shear loading. Two aspect ratios, 1.0 and 2.0 were utilized in the design of wall specimens. Three different kind of sheathing material, gypsum board, calcium silicate board, and oriented-strand board, with two different thicknesses (9 mm and 12 mm) were adopted in the test specimens. The strain gages were also used to attach the wall specimen to study the stress distribution during the test. The ultimate strength, stiffness, energy absorption, and ductility ratio were studied for each test specimen. In addition, the sheathing material tests such as elastic modulus and shear modulus were conducted to obtain the relative parameters.
It was observed that the ultimate strength of the wall frame with sheathing is much greater than the strength of the wall frame without sheathing material. And the ultimate strength of wall frame with sheathing increases with increasing the thickness of board. The ultimate strengths of specimens with 12 mm-thick boards are about 9.11% greater than those of specimens with 9 mm-thick boards for the wall frames having aspect ratio of 1.0 and with one-side sheathing only. The ultimate strengths of specimens with two-side sheathing are about 45.40% greater than those of specimens with one-side sheathing for the wall frames having aspect ratio of 1.0. And the ultimate strengths of specimens having aspect ratio of 1.0 are about 65.44% greater than those of specimens having aspect ratio of 2.0 for the wall frames with the same sheathing configuration. In final, the ductility ratios of the cold-formed steel wall frames similar to the wall configuration conducted in this study are proposed.
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相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0826108-152413
