
年度: 92
姓名: 陳俊菁(Jiun-Jing Chen)
論文題目(中): 應用紅外線攝溫影像術檢測磁磚黏貼完整性
論文題目(英): Inspecting Bond Quality Of Using Infrared Thermography
本研究應用紅外線攝溫影像術(Infrared Thermography, IRT)檢測磁磚黏貼完整性,使用紅外線熱影像儀(Infrared camera)拍攝磁磚表面溫度熱影像圖(Infrared images),觀察溫度分佈差異處而找出黏貼不完整的範圍及位置,其判斷結果準確且快速,且可現場檢測較大範圍之磁磚。
目前對於磁磚黏貼完整性的檢測方法以打診法(Hammer Tapping)為主,檢測人員憑藉個人的經驗與技能以人為主觀判定磁磚黏貼之不完整處,缺乏學理上的根據和論證與實際之判讀資料。比對打診法與紅外線攝溫影像術之結果顯示,打診法較易流於主觀黏貼不完整處之位置及範圍,尤其黏貼不完整範圍較小處的判斷甚為困難。比較之下,紅外線熱影像圖能清楚且具體呈現大範圍及小範圍之黏貼不完整處的範圍及位置,使檢測人員易於判讀,並提供判斷之準則及論證,準確性優於打診法,未來如推廣使用紅外線攝溫影像術檢測新建工程之磁磚施工品質,或評估使用中建築物之磁磚現況,作為為修補強之依據,應可促進建築物外牆之完整保持,並達到建築物公共安全的要求。
Tiles are popular materials for decorating the exterior concrete walls of buildings in Taiwan. The bonding quality of tiles to the concrete wall often deteriorates due to poor workmanship, high humidity, and variations in ambient temperature. Current study utilized infrared thermography, IRT, to generate thermal images of the surface of tiles bonded to concrete. The first series of tests were performed on a slab, designed and fabricated specially for examining the bonding quality of tiles. Different heat sources were applied to illuminate the surface of tiles prior to the acquisition of thermal images. The results showed that the thermal images were very useful in distinguishing areas of poor bonding. The second series of tests were performed on the exterior wall of an existing building. Comparison was made between the results obtained by the hammer tapping, HT, and those from IRT. HT had to be performed point by point on each tile and thus took a long time to examine a large wall. HT was not able to locate the exact spot of a small tile bonded poorly to the wall while IRT worked well with for an area of 1.4m2 in a single image. The contrast between good and poor bonding conditions in the thermal image was easy to read and did not require further image processing if the infrared camera had been properly used. It can be concluded that IRT is more efficient and effective than HT for inspecting the bonding quality of tiles to concrete walls.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0826104-072609
