
年度: 94
姓名: 余柏宏(Bai-Hong Yu)
論文題目(中): 獨立模型基樁完整性檢測訊號之比較評估
論文題目(英): Integrity Testing of Individual Model Piles

本論文之目的在探討目前常用之應力波非破壞檢測(Nondestructive test NDT)技術對不同缺陷之檢測能力,利用已埋入土中之自行灌鑄之模型基樁,在其內部預先佈置大小、形狀不同之缺陷,並使用大小不同之敲擊鎚,及改變鎚頭之材質,比較音波回音法(Sonic Echo, SE)、脈衝反應法(Impulse Response , IR)、超震測法(Ultra Seismic , US)及平行震測法(Parallel Seismic , PS)等各種檢測技術對這些預設缺陷之檢測能力,期能找出最佳之基樁缺陷非破壞檢測方法。
Using non-destructive testing (NDT) methods to evaluate the integrity and quality of newly-built piles is a mature technique and is adopted as a standard procedure by many countries. However, many difficulties have been encountered in applying these kind of techniques into evaluating the integrity of existing piles. The dominant factors include the effects of pile caps, pile group and superstructures. However, the NDT techniques such as the Sonic Echo, Impulse Response, Ultra Seismic and the Parallel Seismic methods have the advantages of being convenient, economical, and efficient. They can be used as the front line testing means once the related researches are matured.
The main objective of this research is to investigate the feasibility of applying non-destructive testing techniques in evaluating the integrity of piles. Model piles with artificial detects were constructed and tested with impact hammer of various sizes and different tip materials. The ability of NDT technigues such as Sonic Echo, Impulse Response, Ultra Seismic, and Parallel Seismic methods in detecting these defects were compared in this thesis.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0817106-083722
