
年度: 94
姓名: 楊舒慈(Shu-Tzu Yang)
論文題目(中): 利用音波回音法檢測擋土結構物高度之可行性評估
論文題目(英): Evaluating the Height of Earth Retaining Structures with Sonic Echo Method
本研究探討能否將基樁之非破壞檢測的理論及技術應用到擋土結構物之檢測,運用ANSYS LS-DYNA二維平面應變模式與三維實體模式比較擋土結構物各部位尺寸對檢測訊號之影響,以評估利用音波回音法(Sonic Echo method)對於擋土結構物高度之可行性。
In recent years, failures of several earth retaining structures caused severe damage in property and loss of life in Taiwan. Therefore, evaluating the safety condition of existing earth retaining structures becomes an important task for the civil engineers. However, many of these retaining structures were built long time ago. The design drawing of these structures can no longer be found. It becomes necessary to access the dimensions of these retaining structures through non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques for their safety evaluation.
The objective of this thesis is to investigate the feasibility of applying the sonic echo (SE) NDT technique for the evaluation of the height of existing earth retaining structures. Numerical modeling was performed to study the 3-dimensional effects on the measured signal using commercially available ANSYS LS-DYNA finite element software. Field tests were also performed on two earth retaining walls to verify the results from numerical modeling.
Results of this study indicate that, in comparison to 1-dimensional structures such as piles, 3-dimensional effects reduce the intensity of signal reflected from the bottom of the structures, thus increase difficulty in determining the arrival time of the reflected wave. However, this difficulty can be overcome by selecting a suitable impact source and arranging the receiver properly. Therefore, it is concluded that the sonic echo method is a very promising technique for the evaluation of the height of existing earth retaining structures.
檔案: 沒有相關檔案
相關連結: http://ethesys.lib.cyut.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd?URN=etd-0823106-064837
