姓名 高嘉隆(Chia-Lung Kao) 電子郵件信箱 gerry.kao@msa.hinet.net
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 91學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 台十四省道31~75K沿線邊坡山崩潛感分析
論文名稱(英) A Study on the Failure Potential of Slopes along 31~75K Section of the 14th Provential Highway
  • etd-0811103-085233.pdf
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    論文語文/頁數 中文/138
    摘要(中) 省道台14線係通往草屯、國姓、埔里、霧社之最重要公路,公路沿線邊坡易受颱風豪雨或地震之影響而發生崩塌,對人民生命及財產之安全影響重大。先前現地調查發現在此路段之31K~75K間有13處易發生崩塌的邊坡。本研究利用ArcView 3.X地理資訊系統建立此公路沿線的地理資料庫,利用GIS空間分析的技術,求出資料庫中有關地形、地質…等邊坡崩塌潛勢之影響因子。將各因子分類等級並求其所佔面積和崩塌面積,統計網格分佈情形,以相對量化分級之概念,求各等級之計量值。並以崩壞百分比的離散情形計算各因子的權重值,將公路沿線的山崩潛感程度,分為穩定、低、中低、中、中高、高潛感共六級。製作公路沿線的山崩潛感圖,以供相關單位參考;最後探討各因子對邊坡發生崩塌的影響程度,再針對公路沿線13處易崩塌邊坡進行防護的優先順序提出建議。
    摘要(英) The 14th provincial highway is a major road connecting Taichung, Tsautun, Kuohsing, Puli and Rem-ain townships. Slope failures induced by typhoons, heavy rain, or earthquakes not only paralyze traffic but also cause severe damage in property and threaten lives. Previous investigation indicated that there are thirteen slopes failed regularly along the 31~75K section. The main objective of this study is to find out the failure potential of slope in this region. With the aid of ArcView 3.X, a Geographical Information System (GIS) software, geographical and geological factors that influence the failure potention of slope were quantified. Slopes inside the study region are classified into zones of stability, low, medium, medium high, and high failure potential.
    Results of this study indicate that inclination and elevation are the two most important factors influencing the failure potential of slopes. West of the Puli basin , most of the shopes are classified to have low to medium failure potential. The Puli basin is located inside the stable region. Most of the slopes east of Puli basin have medium high to high failure potential. Compared with results of field investigation, 92% of the 13 regularly fail slopes located in the zones of medium high and high failure potential.
  • 省道台十四線
  • 地理資訊系統
  • 山崩潛感分析
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • Landslide susceptibility
  • Geographical Information System
  • the 14th Provential Highway
  • 指導教授
  • 賴俊仁
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