姓名 張宏德(Hong-Te Chang) 電子郵件信箱 1lead@ceci.org.tw
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 91學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 卵礫石地層中隧道開挖破壞模式之探討
論文名稱(英) The study of tunnel excavation demolition model in the gravel deposits layer: Example of The Pakuashan Tunnel
  • etd-0826103-064751.pdf
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    論文使用權限 校內外都兩年後公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/119
    摘要(中) 近年來在政府大力推動的公共建設中,隨處可見隧道工程的興建,惟隧道工程是以天然生成之地盤為工作對象,故工程之順利與否深受地質所影響,雖事前已實施地質調查與評估工作,但往往受限於預算、調查評估技術與地形等,並無法充分瞭解,因此隧道工程之不確定性大,迄今仍多以經驗法設計為主,並以施工中設計(on-going design)來適應工地的實際情況,故隧道工程之施工與管理技術之提昇、實際經驗之累積與回饋,是降低隧道災害與增進工程效率的重要課題。
    藉由探討八卦山隧道之施工經驗得知,卵礫石層隧道之崩坍型態以隧道頂拱及其附近崩坍者居多,於乾燥路段開挖後,僅有零星卵礫石剝落,隧道開挖面與頂拱仍能維持穩定;卵礫石層內若夾有厚30~50 cm以上之凸鏡體(砂層),且出現於頂拱或其附近時,極易因凸鏡體崩解而造成頂拱之崩坍,並因卵礫石膠結疏鬆,常有持續向上抽坍成圓穹狀之大型崩坍。當隧道遭遇滲(湧)水時,宜採強制抽水方式,但須慎防細粒料被帶出;若遭遇厚層砂、泥層或砂泥互層時,容易發生開挖面抽坍、擠壓或大量變形等事故,宜採輔助工法以穩定隧道開挖面與頂拱。
    摘要(英) Government has finished advanced scheduled many large-scale civil construction projects recently.For each transportation project, tunnel construction plays an important part, and tunnel construction is a job that confronts the geological formation of ground in nature. Therefore, the geological formation of ground deeply affects the rate of progress of a project.Due to the of budget restriction, geological investigation technique, and landform, the factors of uncertainty are increased during tunnel construction.Even though the geological investigation has been carried out and evaluated in advance, the practical experience is still the key to design a tunnel and the on-going design was uausally used during tunnel construction. To raise the standard of tunnel construction and management technique, accumulation of practical experience and feedback is very important to reduce disaster and increase efficiency in future tunnel construction.
     The experiences and techniques of tunnel construction are mostly accumulated from rock tunnel construction, however, experience of gravel tunneling is lacking. The construction characteristics between rock and gravel tunnel is different, especially when ground water is encountered. This study is to study the problems encountered in The Pakuashan Tunnel of the Hanbau-Tsaotun Expressway (gravel tunnel).The geology and stabilization of the excavation face, the collapse models and scales, the taken counterplan, the similarity and differential for rock and gravel tunnel are studued and recorded for future design and construction reference.
    As refer to Pakuashan Tunnel construction experiences, collapses usually occurred in gravel tunnel around the crown area,especially for dry excavation face.If the gravel layer consists of 30~50cm sand lenses in the crown, collapse will occur due to their low cohesive property.Large scale upward collapsing may be developed until stable round arch formed,above the crown.If water inflow was be developed encountered, then vacuum pump was found to be effective in dewatering at present, but have to prevent bring out of sands and fine particles. If thick sand, silk, clay,or complex layer was encounteed, then collapsing, squeezing,or large deformation would take place, auxiliary construction method has to be taken to stabilize the excavation face and crown..
    The scale of collapse occured in gravel tunnel was comparatively small to rock tunnel, but the frequency was higher.Collapse mainly occurs near the crown in both type of tunnel, however, the collapse in rock tunnel will extend back to the finished area which resulted in the failure of the supports or squeezing deformation .
  • 隧道
  • 卵礫石地層
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • gravel deposits layer
  • tunnel
  • 指導教授
  • 徐松圻
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