姓名 江煥洋(Huan-Yang Chiang) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 91學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 級配及水泥含量對土壤水泥性質之影響
論文名稱(英) Effect of Gradation and Cement Content on the Properties of Soil-Cement Mixtures
  • etd-0827103-071235.pdf
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    論文語文/頁數 中文/112
    摘要(中) 本論文研究的目的在探討土壤材料種類、級配和水泥用量等因素對土壤水泥抗壓強度等工程性質之影響。期能獲得相關研究成果,以提供執行中之湖山水庫計畫,在其附屬工程方面之應用,或者作為日後其他水庫工程計畫案,在大壩坡面保護工之拋石材料不易取得時,當作替代方案之規劃設計參考。影響土壤水泥材料工程性質之主要因素包括:(1)土壤原料、膠結劑的種類和拌合比例及含水量;(2)夯實程度;(3)拌合的均勻程度;(4)養護狀況;及(5)齡期程度。
    摘要(英) The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect of soil types, gradation and cement content etc. on the structural properties of soil-cement mixtures and to expect to obtain important conclusions for soil-cement application not only to the attached construction of on-going project of [ Hu-san Dam construction] but to other future soil-cement application where soil-cement, as an alternative to rock riprap for slope protection, is not locally available.The properties of soil-cement are influenced by several factors, including (a) type and proportion of soil, cementitious materials, and water content, (b) compaction,(c) uniformity of mixing,(d)curing conditions and (e)age of the compacted mixture.
    The further continuing investigation in this thesis are mainly based on the test data presented in “ Research on the properties and the feasibility of soil-cement for Hu-san Dam construction”. Eight research soils of different gradation were included and are all non-plastic soils. The research soils are classified to be 2 types according to the particle size distribution where Type 1 soils had the finer gradation and Type 2 soils had the coarser gradation.Cement additions ranged from 5% to 13% by weight of soil. The particle size distribution, gradation and physical properties of different soils are presented. The investigation results are verified in comparison with cited references.
    Based on the experimental results, the findings are presented as follows: (1)The effect of soil type and gradation on the relationship between cement content and maximum dry density and on the relationship between cement content and optimum moisture content had remarkable difference. The maximum dry density increased with an increase in cement content for lower contents of fine-grained soils. However, no significant variation was noticed for higher contents of fine-grained soils. (2) For a given cement content, the average grain size (D50)and uniformity coefficienteffect of soil gradation(Cu)had the relationship of direct proportion with maximum dry density of soil-cement mixtures. However, D50 and Cu had the relationship of inverse proportion with optimum moisture content. (3) The compressive strength of all soil-cement mixtures increased with an increase in cement content and with an increase in moist curing period. The compressive strength of all soil-cement mixtures increased with an increase in maximum dry density , the average grain size(D50)and uniformity coefficienteffect(Cu).
    Based on USSR criteria and in the analysis of the experimental results, a minimum of 11% of cement contents for soil 3RS1, MIX1and MIX2. are suitable for soil-cement application on the project of [Hu-san Dam construction] in the near future. But in view of cost-saving, soil 3RS1 with a minimum of 11% of cement contents are recommended. In addition, the coarser grain soils are more applicable than finer grain soils to soil-cement construction. “Grain size distribution of the different soils suitable for soil-cement applications presented in this thesis are recommended to refer to.
  • 土壤水泥
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • Soil-Cement
  • 指導教授
  • 徐松圻
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