姓名 詹明錦(Ming-Ching Chan) 電子郵件信箱 mj.chan@msa.hinet.net
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 91學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 台中市公園對緊急救難應變的基本功能調查及臨時避難使用評估之研究
論文名稱(英) Fundamental Function Survey and Shelter Use Study of Parks for Emergency-
  • etd-0729103-041528.pdf
  • 本電子全文僅授權使用者為學術研究之目的,進行個人非營利性質之檢索、閱讀、列印。
    論文使用權限 校內外完全公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/142
    摘要(中) 摘要
    臺灣受亞熱帶氣候的影嚮,每年6 月~8 月經常遭受颱風之侵襲,造
    臺灣境內就有51 條活斷層之分佈,故臺灣地區遭受地震活動之災害亦很
    台中市都市計畫公園與兒童遊戲場己開闢之數量共有183 處,面積己
    達250.公頃,尚未開闢之數量計有129 處,面積為144.公頃,為了提昇
    本研究依據台中市目前已完成183 處公園及兒童遊戲場,以面積達1
    公頃以上及地區情況條件之考量在接近1 公頃的公園與兒童遊戲場,先
    行篩選出44 處以供先期評估作為緊急應變使用調查對象。然後再行依據
    救災資源之落實運作,每一行政區規劃2 處至3 處為防災公園,提供各
    本研究結果選定18 處公園作為防救災生活圈緊急應變處理之據點。
    摘要(英) Abstract
    Due to its geographical location, Taiwan has been frequented
    affected by typhoons (tropical cyclones) causing severe storm and flood
    damages between June and September each year. I addition, there are about
    50 active seismic faults scattered throughout the island because that Taiwan is
    geologically located between the Eurasian plate and the Filipino plate.
    Taiwan is therefore constantly threatened by disastrous natural hazards. As a
    preventive measure, modern urban planning in the region must take into
    account disaster prevention system scheme with priority to cope readily with
    the disaster control and rescue plan so as to minimize damages in the event of
    a major earthquake or typhoon.
    There are 183 parks and public recreation areas operated by the
    Taichung City Government, which cover a total area of about 250 hectares.
    In addition to this, 129 parks with a total area of about 144 hectares were
    proposed to be constructed in the future as a part of the effort to upgrade
    living standard for the people residing in the city. Parks and public
    recreation areas in a metropolitan area provide spaces for the purpose of
    relaxation, recreation, sport activities, sight-seeing, plant cultivates,
    educational activities, and many others. In case of emergency, these
    facilities are also often used effectively for fire fighting/prevention, flame
    stoppage, dispersion, emergency rescue/sheltering, relay of casualties transfer,
    disaster control commanding and liaison centers, etc.
    In this study, 44 parks each with a minimum size of one hectare
    were screened and selected out of the total 183 parks as the first phase of an
    assessment for using these parks in emergency operation in the city. Base on
    the results of the in-situ investigation and utilization evaluation, a total of 18
    parks were selected so that, each administrative district under the city
    government is planned to set aside 2 to 3 parks as the official disaster relief as
    well as emergency management centers within each district. These selected
    locations will be well planned and maintained by the city government in
    accordance with other related emergency measures by the city government to
    better serve the purpose of reducing casualties and loss of properties in case
    of a major emergency situation.
  • 臨時避難
  • 緊急應變
  • 防災生活圈
  • 都市防災
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • Emergency-Response
  • Shelter
  • Urban disaster mitigation
  • Disaster-Prevention area
  • 指導教授
  • 張子修
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