姓名 曾瀚逸(Han-Yi Tseng) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 90學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 建築結構在垂直地震作用下之動力反應特性
論文名稱(英) Dynamic Responses of Building type Structures under the action of Vertical Earthquake
  • etd-0902102-134756.pdf
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    論文語文/頁數 中文/101
    摘要(中) 一般而言,結構物受垂直向地震作用時之動力反應較水平向反應小。因此,除了較重要之結構體外,垂直向地震作用之影響可合理的忽略。然而,在921地震與北嶺地震、阪神地震中,垂直地震的能量卻相當顯著,導致近年來國內外之設計規範紛紛將垂直向地震之影響列入考慮,而使得結構耐震設計之結果較以往更加保守。依照以往建築設計慣例,對於建築物設計上均只重視水平地震而忽略垂直地震之影響,這種設計對於深源地震以及離震央較遠區域的建築結構物來說是合理的,但是對於接近震央之區域中,建築物若有明顯的垂直向地震反應,此種慣例將會有所顧忌。
    摘要(英) In generally, the effect of vertical earthquakes on structures is less important than horizontal earthquakes. Therefore, the influence of vertical earthquake upon structures can be reasonably ignored excepting for very important structures.
    However, the ground accelerations recorded during of Chi-Chi, Northridge and Kobe earthquake demonstrate that the power of vertical earthquakes may be strong enough to damage buildings. Nowadays, the finding has been adopted and thus various Code have taken considerations of such ground motions in the structural design. Consequently, the seismic design is more conservative than before.
    According to normal practices in constructional design, original construction design was focus on the effect of two horizontal earthquakes and ignore that of the vertical earthquakes. This kind of design concept only made sense to case of deep earthquakes and for buildings far away from the earthquake-prone area, but may not be appropriate for structures within earthquake-prone areas where the vertical ground motion play a very important role in damaging structures.
    The subject of this research is to find out the potential influences of vertical earthquake upon building structures, particularly for earthquake with high frequency energy. There are three goals to archive; what is the magnification in acceleration responses at different floor levels when building is subjected to under the Chi-Chi earthquake and an artificial high- frequency earthquake, how a high- frequency vertical earthquake affect the moment responses and what is the effect of SSI consideration on structural responses.
    The study was carried out first by evaluating the SAP2000 software. Secondly, the effect of of SSI consideration was implemented in the numerical models to assess the SSI effect on the natural frequency of structures and the acceleration and moment responses. Finally, using realistic case to verify the summary drawn from the parametric studies and to understand what the vertical ground acceleration may effect the seismic responses of building structures.
  • 動力反應
  • 垂直地震
  • 建築結構
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • Vertical Earthquakes
  • Building
  • Dynamic Responses
  • 指導教授
  • 余志鵬
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