姓名 黃愛惠(Ai-Hui Huang) 電子郵件信箱 s9111611@yahoo.com.tw
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 92學年第2學期
論文名稱(中) 混凝土層狀結構內層接合不同材料之轉換函數反應
論文名稱(英) Using the Simulated Transfer Function Obtained from theImpact-Echo Method to Evaluate the Material Properties of Substrate Layer for a Laminate Concrete Structure
  • etd-0825104-054631.pdf
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    論文語文/頁數 中文/88
    摘要(中) 本研究為探討混凝土層狀結構內層接合不同材料之轉換函數反應,由於敲擊回音法檢測時所得到之反應頻譜,各尖峰振幅值會隨注入的能量與地面接觸時間不同而有相當大之差異,所以實驗的結果需使用轉換函數才能作定量之評估。利用材料聲阻係數的改變可推斷在混凝土層後是否有掏空、積水、或地層變動破碎的現象或是推斷地質狀況。發展這種非破壞檢測的方法,對於不適合鑽心的隧道砌襯、採礦豎坑以及河海壩堤防的評估有一定的價值。本研究是由下列兩方向加以討論:
    (一) 探討實際檢測不同聲阻係數比值之複合版(下層為環氧樹脂、石膏或低強度水泥砂漿)與轉換振幅值之關係。
    (二) 由數值模擬複合版不同聲阻係數比值與下層厚度推導聲阻係數與轉換振幅的關係。
    摘要(英) This dissertation is a study for using the simulated transfer function obtained from the impact-echo method to evaluate the material properties of substrate layer for a laminate concrete structure. The peak amplitude in impact-echo spectrum may be varied by the energy and the contact time produced by the impact force. The experimental result needs to be transformed into transfer function for quantitative evaluation. The different acoustic impedance (Z) in substrate layer such as air, earth or water may lead to different spectral amplitude corresponding to concrete layer. Thus it is possible to non-destructively evaluate the substrate geological state for tunnel, mining pit or dike which is unfit for coring. The purpose of this study is as following.
    1. Explore the connection between the experimental spectral amplitude corresponding to the interface of a composite concrete plate in transfer function and acoustic impedances for different substrate layers such as epoxy, gypsum and low-strength concrete.
    2. Using numerical simulation to study the relationship between ratio of acoustic impedance for substrate and concrete layer (Z2/Z1) and the spectral amplitude corresponding to the interface in transfer function. The thickness of substrate layer is also concerned as a variable. 
    The experimental results show, for various tests applying on the same specimen, the spectral amplitude corresponding to depth of the interface may differ greatly. After transformation, the amplitudes in the transfer functions become stable. Take the experimental parameters into the previously developed equation for relating peak-amplitude to the thickness of a pure concrete plate without substrate layer. The predicted amplitude for the 10 cm-thick plate is 1.571, which has 11.5% error to the average experimental amplitude, 1.39. The relation between Z2/Z1 ratio and spectral amplitude corresponding to the interface in transfer function developed by numerical model can be used for predicting the experimental results for composite plates. Comparing the numerical and experimental results of composite plates with epoxy, gypsum, low strength mortar substrates, the order of spectral amplitudes values are epoxy >Gypsum > low strength mortar. The correlation is high.
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  • 指導教授
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