姓名 留鼎傑(Ding-Jie Liu) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 92學年第1學期
論文名稱(中) 以小波轉換分析混凝土版內鋼筋及管線之敲擊回音反應
論文名稱(英) Wavelet analysis of the impact echo response with respect to reinforcement and piplines inside concrete slabs
  • etd-1128103-155859.pdf
  • 本電子全文僅授權使用者為學術研究之目的,進行個人非營利性質之檢索、閱讀、列印。
    論文使用權限 校內外完全公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/136
    摘要(中)    傳統的訊號分析是建立在傅立葉轉換的基礎之上,但由於傅立葉無法表達訊號的時頻局部性質,因此便有了小波轉換的發展,小波轉換相較於傅立葉轉換最大的不同是在於小波轉換是一種時間窗與頻率窗都可改變的時頻局部化分析方法,在低頻部分具有較寬時間域,而頻率域上。反之,在高頻部分具有較寬頻率域,而時間域上窄。
    摘要(英)  Fourier transform is frequently used in analyzing the frequency content of a transient signal. The drawback of Fourier transform is that the time- domain characteristic cannot be shown simultaneously. Wavelet transform is one of the time-frequency dual transforms that preserves both frequency content and time information of a transient signal. The length of both time window and frequency window can be varied in wavelet transform. As a result, the time resolution is better in high frequency band while the frequency resolution is better in low frequency band.
     A typical problem in the processing of impact-echo signals arises from peak detection based solely on frequency spectrum. Current study aims to improve the feature identification of impact-echo signals obtained from buried objects in concrete. Rebars, steel tubes, and PVC tubes of different diameters at various depths from the concrete surface are tested.
     Numerical simulations are carried out based on models constructed using the finite element method. The received signals, both experimental and simulated, are analyzed using both fast Fourier transform and continuous wavelet transform. Multiple back-wall reflections can be easily detected from the wavelet coefficient plots (WCPs). Low-frequency signals due to rebar at a greater distance is clearer shown in the WCP than those due to rebar at a smaller distance from the side wall of concrete specimens. Such findings provide a more effective way to pick up rebar signals using the impact-echo method.
  • 敲擊回音
  • 小波轉換
  • 混凝土
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • concrete
  • wavelet transform
  • impact echo
  • 指導教授
  • 江支弘
  • 鄭家齊
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