姓名 蔡文彬(Wen-Bin Tsai) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 92學年第1學期
論文名稱(中) 我國營造業職業災害特質及災害防止之探討
論文名稱(英) Characteristics and Prevention of Domestic Construction Occupational-Accidents During Construction
  • etd-0122104-165323.pdf
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    論文使用權限 校內外都兩年後公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/271
    摘要(中)   我國全產業職業災害概略分成營造業及製造業災害,災害類別以墜落、倒塌、感電、飛落為主。由近十年國內全產業職業災害調查資料發覺,營造業每年平均死亡人數約300人,由死亡千人率營造業約為製造業三倍半,職業災害事件為製造業的兩倍左右。另與歐美先進國家比較,我國營造業死亡千人率約為英國約為三倍。我國營造業災害具有何種特質,致使意外災害可達如此高的發生率,應如何降低災害發生率,避免為家庭中經濟主要來源之弱勢勞工罹災,產生更嚴重社會問題,實為一值得深入探討的課題。
    摘要(英)   Domestic occupation accidents can be divided into two groups in Taiwan, construction and Manufactor. The accidents are based on falling, collapse of false work, electrification and falling object. Based on the study of occupation accidents in lastest 10 years, the average rate of death of domestic construction in every year is about 300 persons. It is 3 times and half comparing with Manufacturing. The casses of occupation-accidents is about twice of Manufacturing. And comparing with other Euramerican countries, the death rate of occupation-accidents is 3 times than England. The high rate of accidents needs to be serously concerned. The issue of lowering the happening of occupation-accidents and preventing the social problems that might come with is very important.
      The research study based on the features of occupation-accidents cases between 1911 to 1999 from Council of Labor Affairs. The result shows that all kinds of occupation-accidents in domestic construcion happen mostly at 11 to 12 am.,; then is 3 to 4. pm Falling usually happens on Thursday and Friday. Electrification often happens on Tuesday and. Thursday Every Friday and Sunday happen collapse easily. And falling-object often happens on Tuesday and Wednesday. Each kind of accidents usually happens on Tuesday Thursday, and Friday. The average ages of workers who suffered from occupation-accidents are 41 to 45. and 31 to 35. All kinds of occupation-accidents in order happen in Aug., July, June and Sep. . The locations of occupation accidents are mostly in the north. In construction work, the building and falling mostly happen easily.
      The research based on the features of collapsed accident and tried to discuss the prevention. Taking C250 of Taiwan High Speed Rail Project as an example, the prevention is divided into design, execution and the qualities of material. In design, the person who is responsible to the design of formwork bearing structure should provide the account and working drawing and signs for responsibilty. In execution, the executive officer should practice it followed by the design. He also should record the important parts and provide the pictures of working places. The qualities of material should be based on the bearing structure and test the load of material . All the information should be kept until the end of construction work and provide the information in case the happening of any accidents. The preventions are tested in C250 for a year and Could be provided the possibility of practicing in the future.
  • 物體飛落
  • 感電
  • 倒塌
  • 墜落
  • 職業災害
  • 營造業
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • falling
  • electrification
  • collapse of false work
  • occupation accidents
  • construction
  • falling object
  • 指導教授
  • 潘吉齡
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