姓名 沈韋佐(Wei-tzoo Shen) 電子郵件信箱 E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所 營建工程系碩士班(Department and Graduate Institute of Constrction Engineering)
畢業學位 碩士(Master) 畢業時期 95學年第1學期
論文名稱(中) 鋼筋輕質混凝土版受反覆荷載之行為研究
論文名稱(英) The Study of Fatigue Behavior of Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Slab
  • etd-0109107-042926.pdf
  • 本電子全文僅授權使用者為學術研究之目的,進行個人非營利性質之檢索、閱讀、列印。
    論文使用權限 校內外均一年後公開
    論文語文/頁數 中文/109
    摘要(中) 本文主要在研究鋼筋輕質混凝土版受疲勞載重下之行為模式,並與普通鋼筋混凝土版進行比較;並探討混凝土版構件在不同變數下的極限承載力、剛度、韌性、破壞能等。本研究共製作20塊版構件,其變數包括混凝土強度、配筋模式等,經由版構件所進行之設計與力學行為之研究,可提供設計與施工規範訂定之參考。
      本研究試驗係採用試體大小為200㎝×200㎝×10㎝之簡支端混凝土版,疲勞載重的加載範圍為降伏載重之50 ± 20%及加載速度為5 Hz,直到疲勞次數達到100萬次循環,再進行靜載重試驗至破壞止。研究結果顯示,鋼筋混凝土版經過加載疲勞載重過後,降伏載重及降伏變位有明顯增加趨勢;但鋼筋混凝土版韌性指數及大部份的破壞能有減小的現象。疲勞載重試驗中,混凝土版經20 萬次反覆載重後勁度則明顯降低;並於100 萬次反覆載重後,勁度隨疲勞載重次數增加趨於平緩;唯中值載重所對應中點變位及鋼筋應變之變化則恰與勁度變化呈相反趨勢。輕質混凝土版初始剛度有大於一般混凝土版的趨勢。
    摘要(英) In this research, the fatigue behavior of simply-supported reinforced lightweight concrete slab subject to concentrated load is investigated. The test results are compared to those normal reinforced concrete slabs. The ultimate load, stiffness, ductility, energy absorption capacity of each slab was examined from the load test. Totally 20 slabs with the size of 200cm×200cm×10cm were manufactured and tested in this research. The designated parameters include strength of concrete, allocation of reinforcement. The results obtained from this research are useful for the engineers and designers who will use lightweight concrete as primary material for the slab element.
      The loading range of 50±20% the yield load and loading rate of 5Hz was used in the fatigue test. After 1,000,000 cycles of loading, the yield load and its displacement tend to be increasing; but the ductility and energy absorption capacity tend to be decreasing. In the fatigue test, the slab stiffness drops abruptly in the beginning and then turns flat up to 1,000,000 cycles. The displacement and the rebar strain at the average load were found increasing as the cycle number increases. The initial stiffness of lightweight concrete slab turns out larger than that of normal weight concrete slab.
      The frequency of the slab in second mode and third mode of vibration were observed and found to be increasing as the cracks grow. From acoustic emission monitoring on a slab in static load test, the AE signals are apparently found in the beginning and in the stage prior to failure. The AE signals have the tendency which increases along with the loading increases. From an AE observation on a loading and unloading process of lightweight concrete slab, a crack incubation phenomenon was monitored. The AE signal will not occur until the previous peak load is exceeded.
  • 輕質混凝土版
  • 勁度
  • 疲勞載重
  • 關鍵字(英)
  • stiffness
  • fatigue
  • Reinforced lightweight concrete slab
  • 口試委員
  • 顏聰 - 召集委員
  • 余志鵬 - 委員
  • 裴廣智 - 委員
  • 干裕成 - 指導教授
  • 口試日期 2006-09-08 繳交日期 2007-01-09

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