
系所:朝陽科技大學 / 建築系
研究領域:construction operations simulation, decision making modeling, construction management
辦公(研究)室:行政大樓三樓 A-306
研究室時間:by appointment
電話:(04)23323000 轉 3001
Reviewers for Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE), Transactions on Evolutionary Computation(IEEE), International Journal of Production Economics, Automation in Construction, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE), Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities(ASCE), and International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering.




  1. 朝陽科技大學副校長 (103/08 ~ 105/07)
  2. 朝陽科技大學副校長兼教務長 (101/08 ~ 103/07)
  3. 朝陽科技大學教務長 (97/08 ~ 101/07)
  4. 朝陽科技大學營建工程系教授 (96/07 ~ 迄今)
  5. 朝陽科技大學理工學院副院長 (95/02 ~ 97/07)
  6. 朝陽科技大學理工學院副院長兼代理院長 (95/02 ~ 95/07)
  7. 朝陽科技大學營建工程系主任 (92/08 ~ 95/07)
  8. 朝陽科技大學營建系專服中心主任(89/08 ~ 92/07)
  9. 朝陽科技大學營建工程系副教授(85/08 ~ 96/06)


  1. 中華民國仲裁人
  2. 行政院公共工程委員會公共工程查核委員
  3. Hindawi Publishing Corporation土木工程領域期刊編輯委員會委員
  4. 台中市土木技師公會榮譽顧問
  5. 中華工程教育學會認證團主席、工程教育認證委員、TAC認證委員會委員 
  6. 經濟部水利署中部水資源局履約爭議諮詢委員
  7. 營建管理協會學術委員會委員
  8. 波錠文教基金會董事
  9. 波錠社會福利公益慈善事業基金會董事
  10. 私立科技大學校院協進會常務理事
  11. 臺灣綠色大學聯盟常務理事
  12. 台灣臺中軟體園區發展產學訓聯盟常務理事
  13. 中華民國技職教育學會理事
  14. 社團法人國際創新創業發展協會理事
  15. 台灣中部科學園區產學訓協會理監事
  16. 財團法人技專校院入學測驗中心基金會董事
  17. 財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會董事
  18. 中區技專校院校際聯盟第九屆總召集人
  19. 中華民國技職教育協會第八屆理事
  20. 台灣綠色智慧科技協會榮譽顧問
  21. 10項SCI級期刊審閱人(reviewer)


  1. 獲選列名2012年Marquis 世界名人錄(Who's Who in the World 2012)。
  2. 獲英國International Biographical Centre 2012年提名「Outstanding Educational Achievement」。
  3. 獲Marquis 世界名人錄提名「2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award」。
  4. 獲Marquis 世界名人錄提名「2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award」。
  5. 獲選列名2018-2020年Marquis 世界名人錄(Who's Who in the World)。
  6. 獲Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology頒發「2019 Leadership in Technology Management Award」。


  1. Cheng, T.-M, Hou, H.-Y., "Intelligent Educational Evaluation of Research Performance between Digital Library and Open Government Data, " Applied Sciences (scopus), 12(2), 791, Jan.,2022.
  2. Cheng, T.-M., Hou, H.-Y., Agrawal, D. C., and Chi, C.-J., “A Hierarchical Linear Model Of Alumni Survey On Individual Competency, Institutional Service, and Job Satisfaction in a Case University in Taiwan”, Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia (Scopus), 19(1), 81-100, May, 2021.
  3. Agrawal, D. C., Hou, H.-Y., and Cheng, T.-M., "The Evaluation of Competency-based Diagnosis System and Curriculum Improvement of Information Management," Institutional Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (EI/Scopus), 17(2), 87-102, June, 2021.
  4. Cheng, T.-M., Hou, H.-Y.*, Agrawal, D. C., Hsu, S.-C., and Wu, H.-T., "Data Mining the Categories of Teachers and Offering Promotion Strategies for the Mainstream- Case of a Technology University in Taiwan," Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia (Scopus), 18(2), 51-71, Oct., 2020.
  5. Chang, H.-K., Yu, W.-D.*, Cheng, T.-M., “Quantity-Based Method to Predict More Accurate Project Completion Time,” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Scopus), 24(10), 2861-2875, Oct., 2020.
  6. Cheng, T.-M., Hou, H.-Y., Agrawal, D. C., Chen, L.-S., and Chi, C.-J. "Factors Affecting Starting Wages of Master's Degree-Graduates in Taiwan," Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia (Scopus), 18(1), 136-155, May, 2020.
  7. Chang, H.-K., Yu, W.-D., Cheng, S.-T., Cheng, T.-M., "The Use of a Multiple Risk Level Model to Tackle the Duration of Risk for Construction Activity," KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Scopus), 23(6), 2397-2408, June, 2019.
  8. Agrawal, D. C., Hou, H.-Y.*, Cheng, T.-M., Chen, L.-S., and Hsu, S.-C., "Factors Affecting Student-Teacher Relationship in a Private University of Technology in Taiwan," Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia (Scopus), 17(1), 54-76, May, 2019.
  9. Cheng, T.-M., Hou, H.-Y., Hsu, S.-C., Agrawal, D. C., Chen, R.-C., and Liu, M.-L., "Improving Students Learning Performance from Learning Engagement and Institutional Resources Planning," Advanced Science Letters (Scopus), 24 (11), 8011–8015, Nov., 2018.
  10. Cheng, T.-M., Hou, H.-Y., Agrawal, D. C., and Lin, J.-Y., "Modeling Retention in a Private University of Technology: Improving the Odds of Undergraduates," Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia (Scopus), 16(2), 107-122, Sep., 2018.
  11. Cheng, T.-M., Hou, H.-Y., Agrawal, D. C., and Hsu, S.-C., "The influence of freshmen’s psychological characteristics on learning performance and retention," Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia (Scopus), 16(1), 126-151, Jun, 2018.
  12. Lin, D.-J., Yu, W.-D., Wu, C.-M., and Cheng, T.-M., "Correlation between Intellectual Capital and Business Performance of Construction Industry— an Empirical Study in Taiwan," International Journal of Construction Management (EI), 18(3), 232-246, May, 2018.
  13. Cheng, T.-M., Hou, H.-Y., Agrawal, D. C., Liaw, C.-F., and Chen, R.-C., "Remedial education for high-risk university freshmen - the case of a university of technology in Taiwan," Asia Pacific Journal of Education (SSCI), 38(2), 241-256, May, 2018.
  14. Cheng, T.-M., Hou, H.-Y., Chen, R.-C., Agrawal, D. C., and Lin, J.-Y., "Competency-based diagnosis for interns-quality accreditation," International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (EI), 10(1), 55-79, Apr., 2018.
  15. Hou, H.-Y., Cheng, T.-M., and Chen, R.-C., "Integrating Education Resources Planning and Practice Information System to Alarm and Redeem Learners’ Performance," International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (EI), 8(4), 271-283, Oct., 2016.
  16. Lin, C.-T., Hsie, M., Hsiao, W.-T., Wu, H.-T., and Cheng, T.-M., "Optimizing the schedule of dispatching earthmoving trucks through genetic algorithms and simulation," Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 26(2). (SCI), Apr., 2012.
  17. Hsie, M., Hsiao, W.-T., Cheng, T.-M., and Chen, H.-C., "A model used in creating a work-rest schedule for laborers," Automation in Construction, 18(6), 762-769. (SCI, EI), Oct., 2009.
  18. Horng, H.-C., Hu, C.-C., and Cheng, T.-M., "Evaluating the effectiveness of FDM in identifying important factors in a dynamic flowshop," Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 25(6), 894-900. (SCI), Aug., 2009.
  19. Cheng, T.-M., Yen, R.-C., "Integrating MGA and simulation to optimize the resource utilization," Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 24(6), 401-415. (SCI), May, 2009..
  20. Cheng, C.-C., Cheng, T.-M., and Chiang, C.-H., "Defect detection of concrete structures using both infrared thermography and elastic waves," Automation in Construction, 18(1), 87-92. (SCI, EI), Jan., 2008.
  21. Cheng, T.-M., Chen, Y.-L., "A GA mechanism for optimizing the design of attribute-double-sampling-plan," Automation in Construction, 16(3), 345-353. (SCI, EI), May, 2007.
  22. Cheng, T.-M., Chen, Y.-L., "Performing time-cost trade-off analysis via GA-simulation mechanism," Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 10(4), 307-316. (EI), Jan., 2007.
  23. Cheng, T.-M., Feng, C.-W., and Hsu, M.-Y., "An integrated modeling mechanism for optimizing the simulation model of the construction operation," Automation in Construction, 15(3), 327-340. (SCI, EI), May, 2006.
  24. Cheng, T.-M., Feng, C.-W., and Chen, Y.-L., "A hybrid mechanism for optimizing construction simulation models," Automation in Construction, 14(1), 85-98. (SCI, EI), Jan., 2005.
  25. Feng, C-W., Cheng, T.-M., and Wu, S.-T., "Optimizing the schedule of dispatching RMC trucks through genetic algorithms," Automation in Construction, 13(3), 327-340. (SCI, EI), May, 2004.
  26. Cheng, T.-M., and Feng, C.-W., "An effective simulation mechanism for construction operations," Automation in Construction, 12(3), 227-244. (SCI, EI), May, 2003.
  1. Chang, H.-K., Yu, W.-D., Wang, M.-T., and Cheng, T.-M., "Allocating BIM Service Cost-A Taiwan Experience," Proceedings of the Creative Construction Conference (scopus), 776-785, Jul, 2019.
  2. Chang, H.-K., Yu, W.-D., and Cheng, T.-M., "A new Project Scheduling Control Method Based on Activity Quantities," The 10th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (scopus), 253-266, Apr, 2019.
  3. Tao-Ming Cheng, Hsing-yu Hou, Dinesh Agrawal, Rung-Ching Chen, Sung-Chi Hsu, "Improving Students Learning Performance from Learning Engagement," ICOED'2017 (Scopus), Nov, 2017.
  4. Chih-Hung Chiang, Keng-Tsang Hsu, Cia-Chi Cheng, Chi-Luen Huang, Tao-Ming Cheng, "Dynamic survey of wind turbine vibrations," SPIE Smart Structures, Mar, 2016.
  5. Hsiao, W.-T., Wu, H,-T., Cheng, T.-M., and Tsai, Y., "Mental workloads during form system assembly in environments with various bacjground music," 2014 International Conference on Advances in Management Engineering and Information Technology, Sep, 2014.
  6. Hsiao, W.-T., Wu, H.-T., and Cheng, T.-M., Chiang, C.-C., and Chen, Y.-J, "Using thermal image of the face to monitor construction foreman’s performance," Thirteen East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Sep, 2013.
  7. Hsiao, W.-T., Wu, H.-T., and Cheng, T.-M., and Chang, H.-N., "Using nose tip temperature to monitor crew’s performance," The First Australia and South East Asia Conference in Structural Engineering and Construction, Nov, 2012.
  8. Hsiao, W.-T., Wu, H.-T., and Cheng, T.-M., "A Study on Crew Performance Measurement by Using Heart Rate and Oxygen Consumption," Construction Research Congress 2012, May, 2012.
  9. Wu, H.-T., Hsiao, W.-T., Lin, C.-T., and Cheng, T.-M., "Application of genetic algorithm to the development of artificial intelligence module system," The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, (EI), Jul, 2011.
  10. Hsiao, W.-T., Lin, C.-T., Wu, H.-T., and Cheng, T.-M., "A hybrid optimization mechanism used to generate truck fleet to perform earthmoving operations," Geotechnical International Conference II, (EI), Jun, 2011.
  11. Lin, C.-T., Hsiao, W.-T., Cheng, T.-M., and Wu, H.-T., "Simulation of NATM tunneling construction in gravel formation—lessons learned from Pakuashan highway tunnel project in Taiwan," Geotechnical International Conference I, (EI), Aug, 2009.
  12. Hsiao, W.-T. and Cheng, T.-M., "A model of generating kob rotation schedule for construction workers," The 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Oct, 2008.
  13. Horng, C.-H., Hu, C.-C., and Cheng, T.-M., "“Evaluating the effectiveness of FDM in identifying important factors in a dynamic flowshop," The 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Jun, 2008.
  14. Cheng, T.-M., and Chen, Y.-L., "A genetic algorithm simulation mechanism for time-cost trade-off analysis," The Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Sep, 2006.
  15. Cheng, T.-M., and Chen, Y.-L., "Construction simulation using fuzzy durations," The Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Sep, 2006.
  16. Cheng, T.-M., and Chen, Y.-L., "Optimization the design of an attribute double sampling plan," The 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Aug, 2005.
  17. Cheng, T.-M., Hsu, M.Y., Chen, P. C., and Lin, C. C., "Automatic design mechanism for resource distribution for construction operations simulation," The 21st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Sep, 2004.