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陳隆昇 (Alex Long-Sheng Chen)


資訊管理學系 名譽特聘教授


TEL: 04-23323000 ext. 7752

FAX: 04-23732303




EMAIL: lschen0227@gmail.com lschen@ntut.edu.tw


1. 國立交通大學工業工程與管理系博士(91.09 ~ 95.03

2. 國立成功大學工業管理研究所碩士 87.09 ~ 89.07

3. 國立成功大學工業管理科學系學士 83.09 ~ 87.07

4. 省立台中一中 (80.09 ~ 83.07)

5. 台中縣立潭子國中 (77.09 ~ 80.07)


1.      朝陽科技大學資訊管理系 名譽特聘教授(113.08~116.07)

2.      朝陽科技大學資訊管理系 特聘教授(111.08~113.07)

3.      朝陽科技大學 助理副校長兼教務長(108.08~112.07)

4.      朝陽科技大學資訊管理系 教授(105.08~111.07)

5.      朝陽科技大學 助理副校長兼學生事務長(101.08~108.07)

6.      朝陽科技大學華語中心 主任(111.11~112.07)

7.      朝陽科技大學通識教育中心 主任(110.02~110.07)

8.      教育部中區大專校院學生事務工作協調聯絡中心 委員(101.08~108.07)       

9.      行政院科技部工程學門2012~2015年優秀年輕學者研究計畫

10.  朝陽科技大學資訊學院 代理院長、資訊學院秘書

11.  朝陽科技大學資訊管理系 副教授(100.02~105.07)

12.  朝陽科技大學資訊管理系 助理教授(95.08~100.01)

13.  25~27屆傑青獎決審委員

14.  中學學生社團教育學會第8~10屆監事

15.  中華學生事務學會第43~44屆理事、第45屆常務理事

16.  擔任教育部推動大學程式設計教學計畫行動諮詢委員、教育部推動支持式修復正義中心計畫成果審查委員、教育部私立大專學輔獎補助經費網站採購評審委員、教育部提升通識計畫行動咨詢委員、教育部協助安置高鳳樹位內容學院、永達學生就學情形訪視委員、教育部青年發展署全國大專全校性學生自治社團評審委員



1.                      榮獲2024 ISASD國際研討會「最佳論文獎」

2.                      榮獲111年度中華民國教育學術團體「木鐸獎」

3.                      指導碩士班學生羅子傑榮獲2023 iCast國際研討會「最佳論文獎」

4.                      指導碩士班學生羅子傑榮獲2022 DLT數位生活科技研討會「優良論文獎」

5.                      指導碩士班學生曾恕慈榮獲2017年台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2017)「最佳論文獎」

6.                      共同指導博士班學生黃忠義榮獲中華民國民生電子學會博士論文獎佳作

7.                      指導碩士班簡婉婷榮獲2017年國際論文英文發表競賽佳作

8.                      指導大學部學生許瑞揚、沈恩立、蔡佳霖、田育嘉、許嘉元、潘思凱榮獲106年度資訊管理系專題競賽第二名及資訊學院專題競賽佳作

9.          榮獲102-105年朝陽科技大學年度延攬及留住特殊優秀人才(教學研究人員)彈性薪資獎勵

10.              指導碩士班學生許智翔榮獲2016年資訊科技國際研討會暨民生電子論壇 (AIT/CEF 2016)「最佳論文獎」

11.              指導學生黃莉庭、邱家城、區柏琪、王渝鈞、陳詩涵、張敏瑜榮獲104年度資訊學院專題競賽佳作

12.              指導碩士班學生劉俊誠榮獲2015IAENG國際資料探勘與應用研討會優異論文獎

“Certificate of Merit” for The 2015 IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications, March 14-16, Hong Kong (EI indexed).

13.              指導碩士班學生許智翔榮獲2015年資訊科技國際研討會暨民生電子論壇 (AIT/CEF 2015)「最佳論文獎」

14.      榮獲朝陽科技大學102學年度教學優良教師(2014/1/22)

15.      指導碩士班學生劉俊誠、許智翔榮獲2015年國際論文英文發表暨世界英文簡報競賽第一名及第二名。

16.              指導碩士班學生郭泰成榮獲2014IAENG國際資料探勘與應用研討會最佳論文獎

“Best Paper Award” for The 2014 IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications, March 12-14, Hong Kong (EI indexed).

17.      指導大四學生(預研生)許智翔榮獲DLT 2014 數位生活科技研討會最佳論文獎,高雄大學,June  20-21, 2014.

18.              榮獲國科會【優秀年輕學者研究計畫】三年期補助(101~104)

19.              Certificate of Reviewing Excellence 2013, Computers & Industrial Engineering.

20.              指導碩士班學生薛仱芸榮獲2013IEEE iCast and uMedia國際研討會最佳學生論文獎

“Best Student Paper” for the IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology & Ubi-Media Computing, 2-4 Nov., 2013, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan.

21.              指導碩士班學生孫昆正榮獲2012IAENG國際資料探勘與應用研討會優異論文獎

“Certificate of Merit” for The 2012 IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications, March 14-16, Hong Kong (EI indexed).

22.              指導碩士班學生孫昆正榮獲2012資訊科技國際研討會暨第二屆網路智能與應用研討會(2012 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and The Second National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications,  AIT / NCWIA 2012)「最佳論文獎」

23.              指導碩士班學生林立為榮獲2010IAENG國際資料探勘與應用研討會優異論文獎

“Certificate of Merit” for The 2010 IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications, March 17-19, Hong Kong (EI indexed).

24.              指導碩士班學生張保中榮2010年資訊科技國際研討會(AIT2010)企業智慧與知識管理類最佳論文獎,April 23-24, 2010(Top 7 in 250 papers)

25.              指導碩士班學生邱慧如榮獲2009IAENG國際資料探勘與應用研討會優異論文獎(學生類)

“Certificate of Merit (Student)” for The 2009 IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications, March 18-20, Hong Kong (EI indexed). (Top 2 in 41 papers)

26.      榮獲朝陽科技大學96學年度 校級教學優良教師

27.              指導碩士班學生張保中榮獲第四屆IEEE WICOM: EMS&ISM 2008最佳論文獎

“Best paper award,” the 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing: EMS&ISM 2008, Oct. 15-17, Dalian, China (EI indexed). (Top 3 in 1692 papers)

28.      朝陽科技大學95學年度校級優良導師

29.              榮獲36CIE國際研討會『傑出學生論文獎』

“Excellent Student Paper Award”, the 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, June 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.

30.              摩托羅拉大學六標準差綠帶認證(Motorola University Green Belt Certification)

31.      八十七年度成功大學大專優秀青年

32.      國科會九十四年千里馬計畫NSC-094-2917-I-009-006.

33.      朝陽科技大學96學年度第1學期 「獎助教材上網」佳作-『作業管理』

34.      朝陽科技大學96學年度第2學期 「獎助教材上網」佳作-『管理學』、『全面品質管理』

35.      朝陽科技大學97學年度 教師改進課程與教學獎助

36.      指導大學部專題學生榮獲資管系『98年度畢業專題成果展第二名』,題目:『顧客滿意問卷調查系統建立與其在虛擬社群品質要素分析之應用』(2009/12/11)

37.      指導大學部專題學生榮獲資管系『98年度畢業專題成果展第三名』,題目:『遊學網站建置』(2009/12/11)

38.      指導四技進修部專題學生榮獲資管系『進修部98年度畢業專題成果展第二名』,題目:『大學生遊台灣』(2010/12/10)

39.      朝陽科技大學99~101學年度『獎助教師編製教材及教學參考資料』獎助-佳作

40.      朝陽科技大學99~101學年度著作創作獎勵『論文類』

41.      世界名人錄 (Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2011)

42.      指導碩士班張家偉榮獲朝陽科大99學年度第2學期研究績優獎學金

43.      101學年度第2學期執行教學品保「課程改善歷程」書面成果 優良 [管理學]

44.      指導大學部專題學生榮獲資管系『2023年度畢業專題成果展佳作』,題目:『校務大數據分析系統』



1. 資料探勘(Data Mining)

2. 顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)

3. 創新服務/產品發展(Innovative Service/Product Development)

4. 六標準差(Six Sigma

5. 粒化計算(Granular Computing




[1] Long-Sheng Chen, (2006/03) Granular Computing for Imbalanced Data: Theory and Applications, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

[2] Long-Sheng Chen, (2000/07), Developing the concept of functional virtual population and applying it to machine learning, M.S. Dissertation, Institute of Industrial Management, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.



[1].     V. Nalluri, L.-S. Chen*, 2024, Modelling the FinTech Adoption Barriers in the Context of India- An Integrated Fuzzy Hybrid Approach, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 199, 123049. (SSCI)

[2].     V. Nalluri, S. M. Appana, L.-S. Chen*, S. Agrawal, 2024, Decision making model for AI adoption to achieve sus-tainable development goals in the context of developing countries, Journal of Information Science and Engineering (SCIE)(Accepted)

[3].     H.-C. Wu, W.-D. Jeng, L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Ho, 2024, Developing the NLP-QFD Model to Discover Key Success Factors of Short Videos on Social Media. Applied Sciences, 14, 4870. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14114870 (SCIE)

[4].     R. G. Mayopu, Y.-Y. Wang, L.-S. Chen*, 2024, Exploring the advertising elements of electronic word-of-mouth in social media: An example of game reviews, Multimedia Tools and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-024-18642-w (SCIE)

[5].     T.-T. Huynh-Cam, L.-S. Chen*, V.-C. Nguyen, T.-H. Nguyen, T.-C. Lu, 2024, Why first-year e-students are dissatisfied: Machine learning methods for enhancing retention, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 21(3), 2023532 (Scopus Q2)

[6].     T.-T. Huynh-Cam, L.-S Chen.*, T.-C. Lu, 2024, Early Prediction Models and Crucial Factor Extraction for First-year Undergraduate Student Dropouts, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (SCOPUS Q2) DOI 10.1108/JARHE-10-2023-0461

[7].     V. Nalluri, R. G. Mayopu, L.-S. Chen*, 2024, Modelling the key attributes for improving customer repurchase rates through Mobile Advertisements using a Fuzzy mixed approach, Journal of Modelling in Management, 19(1), pp.145-168. (SCOPUS Q2)

[8].     V. Nalluri, J.-R. Chang, L.-S. Chen*, J.-C. Chen, 2023, Building Prediction Models and Discovering Important Factors of Health Insurance Fraud Using Machine Learning Methods, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 14, 9607-9619. (SCIE, SCOPUS Q1)

[9].     V.S. Saravanarajan, R.-C. Chen, C.-H. Hsieh, L.-S. Chen, 2023, Improving Semantic Segmentation Under Hazy Weather for Autonomous Vehicles Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Dehazing Approach, IEEE Access, 11, pp. 38194–38207. (SCIE)

[10]. T.-T. Huynh Cam, S. Agrawal, T.-T. Bui, V. Nalluri, L.-S. Chen, 2023, Enhancing the English writing skills of in service students using marking mate automated feedback, Asia Pacific Education Review, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-023-09904-7 (SCOPUS Q1)

[11]. R. G. Mayopu, Y.-Y. Wang, L.-S. Chen*, 2023, Analyzing Online Fake News Using Latent Semantic Analysis: Case of USA Election Campaign, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 7, 81. (SCOPUS Q1, EI)

[12]. V. Nalluri, K.-F. Yang, L.-S. Chen*, Yang, T.-Y. K. Yang, 2023, Exploring crucial social media marketing factors for improving customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in bed and breakfast sectors in Taiwan, International Journal of Tourism Cities, 9 (2), pp. 429-446. (SCOPUS Q1)

[13]. H. R. Sama, L.-S. Chen, V. Nalluri, C. Madhavaiah, 2023, Enhancing the Service Quality of Rural Public Transportation during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Novel Fuzzy Approach, Public Transport, 15(2), pp. 479–501. (SCOPUS Q1)

[14]. K.-F. Yang, Y.-R. Lin, L.-S. Chen*, 2023, Discovering Critical Factors in the Content of Crowdfunding Projects, Algorithms, 16 (1), 51. (SCOPUS Q2, EI)

[15]. V. Nalluri, T.-T. Huynh-Cam, H. R. Sama and L.-S. Chen*, 2023, Decision-making model for the effective e-services adoption in the Indian educational organizations, Decision Science Letters, 12(2), pp. 211-224. (SCOPUS Q3)

[16]. W.-K. Chen, J.-R. Chang, L.-S. Chen*, R.-Y. Hsu, 2022, Using Refined Kano Model and Decision Trees to Discover Learners’ Needs for Teaching Videos, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(6), pp. 8317-8347. (SCI, SCOPUS)

[17]. M.-Y. Chen, J.-R. Chang, L.-S. Chen*, Y.-J. Chuang, 2022, Identifying the Key Successful Factors of Movie Projects in Crowdfunding, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(19), pp. 27711-27736. (SCI, SCOPUS)

[18]. R.-C. Chen, V.S. Saravanarajan, L.-S. Chen, H. Yu, 2022, Road Segmentation and Environment Labeling for Autonomous Vehicles, Applied Sciences, 12(14), 7191 (SCIE)

[19]. J.-R. Chang, V. Naliuri, L.-S. Chen*, S.-H. Chen, 2022, Winning Customers’ Hearts and Minds using DFSS in Insurance Industry, The TQM Journal, DOI (10.1108/TQM-05-2022-0171)  (SCOPUS)

[20]. T.-T. Huynh-Cam, V. Nalluri, L.-S. Chen*, Y.-Y. Yang, 2022, IS-DT: A New Feature Selection Method for Determining the Important Features in Programmatic Buying, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6 (4), 118. (SCOPUS, EI)

[21]. T.-T. Huynh-Cam, L.-S. Chen*, K.-V. Huynh, 2022, Learning Performance of International Students and Students with Disabilities: Early Prediction and Feature Selection through Educational Data Mining, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6 (3), 94. (SCOPUS, EI)

[22]. V. Nalluri, L.-S. Chen*, 2022, Risk assessment for sustainability on telecom supply chain: a hybrid fuzzy approach, Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(2), pp. 559-576. (SCOPUS)

[23]. T.-M. Cheng, H.-Y. Hou, L.-S. Chen, S.-P. Yu, 2022, Exploring the Inner Characteristics and External Competency of Excellent Teacher: The Case of a University of Technology in Taiwan, Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia, 20(2), pp. 41–63. (SCOPUS)

[24]. L.-S. Chen, M.-Y. Chen, J.-R. Chang, P.-Y. Yu, 2021, An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Time Series Model Based on New Data Transformation Method, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 40(1), pp. 550-559. (SCIE, SCOPUS).

[25]. W.-K. Chen, L.-S. Chen*, Y.-T. Pan, 2021, A text mining-based framework to discover the important factors in text reviews for predicting the views of live streaming, Applied Soft Computing, 111, 107704 (SCIE, SCOPUS)

[26]. M.-Y. Chen, J.-R. Chang, L.-S. Chen*, E.-L. Shen, 2021, The key successful factors of video and mobile game crowdfunding projects using a lexicon-based feature selection approach. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 13(6), pp. 3083-3101. (SCIE, SCOPUS)

[27]. W.-K. Chen, D. Riantama, L.-S. Chen*, 2021, Using a Text Mining Approach to Hear Voices of Customers from Social Media toward the Fast-Food Restaurant Industry, Sustainability, 13(1), 268. (SSCI, SCIE, SCOPUS).

[28]. V.S. Saravanarajan, R.-C. Chen, C. Dewi, L.-S. Chen, 2021, Solving unbounded knapsack problem using evolutionary algorithms with bound constrained strategy, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 18(1), pp. 1-11. (SCOPUS)

[29]. T-T Huynh-Cam, L.-S. Chen*, H. Le, 2021, Using Decision Trees and Random Forest Algorithms to Predict and Determine Factors Contributing to First-Year University Students’ Learning Performance, Algorithms, 14(11):318. (SCOPUS, EI)

[30]. J.-R. Chang, L.-S. Chen*, L.-W. Lin, 2021, A Novel Cluster based Over-sampling Approach for Classifying Imbalanced Sentiment Data, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 48(4), pp. 1118-1128 (SCOPUS, EI).

[31]. T.-T. Huynh-Cam, S. Agrawal, L.-S. Chen, and T.-L. Fan, 2021, Using Moodle-based e-Assessment in English Listening and Reading Courses: A Vietnamese Case Study, Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia, 19(2), pp. 66-92. (SCOPUS)

[32]. J.-R. Chang, M.-Y. Chen, L.-S. Chen*, W.-T. Chien, 2020, Recognizng Important Factors of Influencing Trust in O2O Models: An Example of OpenTable, Soft Computing, 24, pp. 7907–7923 (SCI, SCOPUS).

[33]. J.-R. Chang, H.-Y. Liang, L.-S. Chen*, C.-W. Chang, 2020, Novel feature selection approaches for improving the performance of sentiment classification, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02468-z (SCIE, SCOPUS).

[34]. H.-L. Wu, C.-C. Chang, Y.-Z. Zheng, L.-S. Chen* and C.-C. Chen, 2020, A Secure IoT-Based Authentication System in Cloud Computing Environment, Sensors, 20(19), 5604 doi:10.3390/s20195604 (SCIE, SCOPUS).

[35]. H.-L. Wu, C.-C. Chang, L.-S. Chen, 2020, Secure and anonymous authentication scheme for the Internet of Things with pairing, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 67, 101177 (SCIE, SCOPUS).

[36]. J.-R. Chang, L.-S. Chen* and C.-W. Chang, 2020, New term weighting methods for classifying textual sentiment data, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering,17(3), pp.257-268. (SCOPUS)

[37]. J.-R. Chang, M.-K. Chen, L.-S. Chen*, T.-C. Kuo, 2020, The Crucial Factors of Clicking Keyword Advertisements (in English), Journal of Management and Systems, 28(2), pp. 195-224. (TSSCI)

[38]. T.-M. Cheng, H.-Y. Hou, D.-C. Agrawal, L.-S. Chen, C.-J. Chi, 2020, Factors Affecting Starting Wages of Master’s Degree-graduates in Taiwan, Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia, 18(1), pp.136-154. (SCOPUS)

[39]. J.-R. Chang, M.-Y. Chen, L.-S. Chen*, S.-C. Tseng, 2019, Why Customers Don’t Revisit in Tourism and Hospitality Industry? IEEE Access, 7(7), pp. 146588-146606. (SCI, SCOPUS)

[40]. H. Chen, H.-L. Wu, C.-C. Chang and L.-S. Chen, 2019, Light Repository Blockchain System with Multi-Secret Sharing for Industrial Big Data, Security and Communication Networks. vol. 2019, Article ID 9060756, 2019. (SCI, SCOPUS)

[41]. D.-C. Agrawal, H.-Y. Hou, T.-M. Cheng, L.-S. Chen, SC Hsu, 2019, Factors Affecting Student-Teacher Relationship in a Private University of Technology in Taiwan, Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia, 17(1), pp. 54-76. (SCOPUS)

[42]. L.-S. Chen*, Y.-T. Pan, 2018, Discovering the Key Factors for Increasing Viewers of Live Streaming, International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies, 12(2), pp.11-19.

[43]. C.-Y. Huang, C.-T. Bau, L.-S. Chen, R.-C. Chen, 2017, A new patient treatment decision support system for diabetes, ICIC Express Letters, 11(1), 197-204. (EI)

[44]. L.-S. Chen*, Z. C. Lin, J.-R. Chang, 2015, FIR: An effective scheme for extracting useful metadata from social media, Journal of Medical Systems, 39(11), article 139. (SCI)

[45]. L.-S. Chen*, S. C. Cai, 2015, Neural-network-based Resampling Method for Detecting Diabetes Mellitus, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 35(6), 824-832. (SCI)

[46]. L.-S. Chen*, S. C. Cai, 2014, A Cost Adjusting Method for Increasing Customers’ Sentiment Classification Performance, International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, 5(4), pp. 336-339. (EI)

[47]. L.-S. Chen*, 2013, Recognizing key service factors of attracting new virtual community members, Cybernetics and Systems, 44(4), pp. 305-324. (SCI)

[48]. L.-S. Chen*, Chang, P.-C., 2013, Extracting Knowledge of Customers’ Preferences in Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, Neural Computing and Applications, 23(6), pp. 1787-1799. (SCI)

[49]. C.-H. Liu, L.-S. Chen, P.-S. Lin, 2013, Lot Streaming Multiple Jobs with Values Exponentially Deteriorating over Time in a Job Shop Environment, International Journal of Production Research, 51(1), pp. 202-214. (SCI, EI)

[50]. C.-S. Lin, S. Kao, L.-S. Chen, 2012, A Proactive Operational Framework for Business Continuity in the Semiconductor Industry, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 28(3), pp. 307-320. (SCI, EI)

[51]. K.-Y. Chen, L.-S. Chen*, M.-C. Chen, C.-L. Lee, 2011, Using SVM based method for equipment fault detection in a thermal power plant, Computers in Industry, 62(1), 42-50. (SCI).

[52]. L.-S Chen*, C.-H. Liu, H. J. Chiu, 2011, A Neural Network based Approach for Sentiment Classification in the Blogosphere, Journal of Informetrics, 5(2), pp. 313-322 (SSCI) 

[53]. C.-S. Lin, L.-S. Chen *, C.-C. Hsu, 2011, An Innovative Approach for RFID Product Functions Development, Expert System with Applications, 38(12), pp. 15523-15533. (SCI)

[54]. L.-S. Chen*, and S.-H. Chen, 2011, Using TRIZ Techniques to New Product Function Development of Smart Phones, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 10(3), pp. 179-184.

[55]. C.-C. Hsu, M.-C. Chen, & L.-S. Chen, 2010, Intelligent ICA-SVM Fault Detector for non-Gaussian Multivariate Process Monitoring, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(4), pp. 3264-3273. (SCI)

[56]. C.-C. Hsu, M.-C. Chen, & L.-S. Chen, 2010, A novel process monitoring approach with dynamic independent component analysis, Control Engineering Practice, 18(3), pp. 242-253. (SCI)

[57]. L.-S Chen*, C.-C. Hsu, Y.-S. Chang, 2010, Developing a novel two-phase learning scheme for the class imbalance problem, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 6(11), pp. 4979-4994. (SCI)

[58]. C.-C. Hsu, M.-C. Chen, & L.-S. Chen, 2010, Integrating Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine for Multivariate Process Monitoring. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 59 (1), pp.145-156. (SCI, EI). 

[59]. L.-S. Chen*, C.-H Liu, and C.-C. Hsu, C.-S. Lin, 2010, C-Kano Model: A New Approach for Discovering Attractive Quality Elements, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 21(11), 1189-1214. (SCI; SSCI)

[60]. 林敬森、陳隆昇*2009,應用狩野模式於提升教學網站品質之研究,International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies, 3(2), pp. 55-71.

[61]. 陳隆昇*、邱慧如,2009,植基於支撐向量機之語意導向分類器,International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies, 3(2), pp. 15-35.

[62]. C.-C. Hsu, L.-S. Chen, and C.-H. Liu, 2010, A Process Monitoring Scheme Based on Independent Component Analysis and Adjusted Outliers, International Journal of Production Research, 48(6), 1727-1743. (SCI, EI)

[63]. L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Hsu and M.-C. Chen, 2009, Customer Segmentation and Classification from Blogs by Using Data Mining: An Example of VOIP Phone, Cybernetics & Systems, 40(7), pp. 608-632. (SCI)

[64]. L.-S. Chen and C.-T. Su, 2008, Using granular computing model to induce scheduling      knowledge in dynamic manufacturing environments, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21(5), pp. 569-583. (SCI).

[65]. M.-C. Chen, L.-S. Chen, C.-C. Hsu, W.-R. Zeng, 2008, An information granulation based data mining approach for classifying imbalanced data, Information Sciences, 178 (16), pp. 3214-3227. (SCI)

[66]. L.-S. Chen, F.-H. Hsu, M.-C. Chen and Y.-C. Hsu, 2008, Developing recommender systems with the consideration of product profitability for sellers, Information Sciences, 178(4), pp. 1032-1048 (SCI)

[67]. C.-H. Liu, L.-S. Chen, and C.-C. Hsu, 2008, An Association-based Case Reduction Technique for Case-based Reasoning, Information Sciences, 178 (17), pp.3347-3355. (SCI)

[68]. C.-T. Su, L.-S. Chen, and T.-L. Chiang, 2006, A neural network based information granulation approach to shorten the cellular phone test process, Computers In Industry, 57(5), pp. 412-423. (SCI, EI)

[69]. C.-T. Su, L.-S. Chen, and Y. Yih, 2006, Knowledge acquisition through information granulation for imbalanced data, Expert System with Applications, 31(3), pp. 531-541. (SCI, EI)

[70]. D.-C. Li, L.-S. Chen, and Y.-S. Lin, 2003, Using Functional Virtual Population as assistance to learn scheduling knowledge in dynamic manufacturing environments, International Journal of Production Research, 17, 4011–4024 (SCI, EI)



[1]       V. Nalluri, L.-S. Chen*, T. Huynh-Cam, S.M. Appana,2024, Assessing Service Quality and E-Satisfaction of E-Learning Platforms: A TISM-Based SERVQUAL Model Approach, 2024 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education (WAIE 2024), Sep. 28-30, Tokyo, Japan. (Scopus)

[2]       L.-S. Chen, T. Huynh-Cam, V. Nalluri, T.-C. Lu, S. Agrawal, 2024, Determining Important Factors for First-year Student Dropouts Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, 2024 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education (WAIE 2024), Sep. 28-30, Tokyo, Japan. (Scopus)

[3]       L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Ho., Using natural language processing to compare differences of perspectives in short videos on the Israel-Palestine conflict, International Conference on Intelligent Science and Sustainable Development (ISASD), July 8-11, 2024, Tokyo, Japan.

[4]       T.-T. Huynh-Cam, L.-S. Chen*, T.-C. Lu, V.-C. Nguyen, Forecasting the employability of Vietnamese fresh graduates for sustainable development, International Conference on Intelligent Science and Sustainable Development (ISASD), July 8-11, 2024, Tokyo, Japan.

[5]       L.-S. Chen, V. Nalluri, M. Chowdary K, AI Adoption Challenges for E-Automated Manufacturing Systems: A Total ISM Approach, International Conference on Intelligent Science and Sustainable Development (ISASD), July 8-11, 2024, Tokyo, Japan.

[6]       L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Ho., M.-C. Chen, The Story Behind the Numbers: Key Factors in Audience Engagement with YouTube Shorts on the Israel-Palestine Conflict, 2024 11th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2024), April 17-19, 2024, Hiroshima, Japan (Scopus).

[7]       V. Nalluri, L.-S.Chen*, A Mixed Approach to Determine the Factors Affecting the Customers Trust on Financial Services on Social Media Platforms, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2023), Dec. 18-21, 2023, Singapore. (Scopus)

[8]       R. G. Mayopu, L.-S. Chen*, Deep Learning for Journalism: The Bibliometric Analysis of Deep Learning for News Production in the Artificial Intelligence Era, The 28th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), Dec. 1-2, 2023, Yunlin, Taiwan. (Scopus)

[9]       L.-S. Chen, Z.-J. Luo, V. Nalluri, Constructing Depression Prediction Model using ChatGPT and Machine Learning Algorithms, The 12th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2023), Nov. 9-11, 2023, Taichung, Taiwan. (Scopus) (Best Paper Award)

[10]   R.G. Mayopu, V. Nalluri, L.-S. Chen*, Classification ChatGPT Generated News and True News Using Support Vector Machines, The 12th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2023), Nov. 9-11, 2023, Taichung, Taiwan. (Scopus)

[11]   T.-T. Huynh-Cam, L.-S. Chen*, T. V. Ho, D. V. Nguyen, T.-C. Lu, 2023, Identifying Crucial Factors for E-students’ Satisfaction in Vietnamese Emengency Remote Learning Using Machine Learning Methods, The 12th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2023), Nov. 9-11, 2023, Taichung, Taiwan. (Scopus)

[12]   Y.-Y. Wang, Z.-J. Luo, M.-C. Chen, L.-S. Chen*, Classifying Game Reviews by Using Natural Language Processing and Support Vector Machines with SMOTE-Tomek Algorithm, 14th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, July 8-13, 2023, Koriyama, Japan. (Scopus)

[13]   V. Nalluri, L.-S. Chen*, Exploring the Relationship Among Experience Marketing, Customer Loyalty on Purchase Intention- a Case Study of Banking Sector, the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2022), Dec. 7-10, 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ( MOST 111-2410-H-324-006) (Scopus)

[14]   V. Nalluri, Y.-Y. Wang, L.-S. Chen, A Systematic Review of Fuzzy Scales for Multiple Criteria Decision Making Issues During Covid-19, the 2022 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management (IEEE SSIM 2022), Nov. 24-26, Taichung, Taiwan ( MOST 111-2410-H-324-006) (Scopus).

[15]   Y.-Y. Wang, V. Nalluri, L.-S. Chen*, Using text reviews of social media to identify the important factors of influencing the performance of programmatic advertising, the 2022 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management (IEEE SSIM 2022), Nov. 24-26, Taichung, Taiwan ( MOST 111-2410-H-324-006) (Scopus).

[16]   V. Nalluri, R.G. Mayopu, L.-S. Chen*, Classification Crisis Communication: An Semiotic Approach With Semantic Technique Analysis, the 2022 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management (IEEE SSIM 2022), Nov. 24-26, Taichung, Taiwan (MOST 111-2410-H-324-006) (Scopus).

[17]   R.G. Mayopu, L.-S. Chen*, Two-Way Communication During Covid-19: A Lesson From Indonesia’s Church Online Worship, The 7th International Conference on Business and Industrial Research May 19-20, 2022, Bangkok, Thailand. ( MOST 110-2410-H-324-003) (SCOPUS)

[18]   V. Nalluri, T.-T. Huynh-Cam, L.-S. Chen*, Integrating Fuzzy Decision-Making Model for e-teaching Adoption for the Education Sector, 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, April 15-18, 2022, Sanya, Hainan, China. ( MOST 110-2410-H-324-003) (SCOPUS)

[19]   L.-S. Chen*, Y.-X. Wu, The Needs Analysis of Virtual Exergaming, The 26th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), Nov. 18-20, 2021, Taichung, Taiwan. ( MOST 110-2410-H-324-003) (SCOPUS)

[20]   T.-T. Huynh-Cam, Z.-J. Luo, L.-S. Chen*, Using Random Forests and Decision Trees to Predict Viewing Game Live Streaming via Viewers’ Comments, The 26th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), Nov. 18-20, 2021, Taichung, Taiwan. (MOST 110-2410-H-324-003) (SCOPUS)

[21]   V. Nalluri, C.-T. Lin, L.-S. Chen*, Risk Management Analysis of the Sustainable Supply Chain Using a Fuzzy Hybrid Approach in India, The 26th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), Nov. 18-20, 2021, Taichung, Taiwan. ( MOST 110-2410-H-324-003) (SCOPUS)

[22]   T.T. Huynh-Cam, S. Agrawal, L.-S. Chen, E-Learning Benchmarking in Higher Education: Methodology Literature Review, 2021 5th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology, July 23-25, Kyoto, Japan. (DOI:10.1145/3481056.3481081) (SCOPUS)

[23]   L.-S. Chen*, Y-R. Lin, 2021, Using text mining and feature selection methods to find key successful factors of movie crowdfunding projects, 2021 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2021), April 23- 26, 2021, Kyoto, Japan ( MOST 108-2410-H-324-009)

[24]   L.-S. Chen*, T.-W. Kang, 2020, Istoshare: An information system integrated with economic incentives to reduce the intensions of pet owners for abandoning pets, International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science 2020, July 29- July 31, 2020, Yilan, Taiwan ( MOST 108-2410-H-324-009)

[25]   L.-S. Chen*, J.-C. Chen, 2020, Using Machine Learning Methods to Detect Medical Fraud, International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science 2020, July 29- July 31, 2020, Yilan, Taiwan ( MOST 108-2410-H-324-009)

[26]   L.-S. Chen*, J.-C. Chen, 2020, Using Data Mining Methods to Detect Medical Fraud, 2020 International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government (ICMECG 2020), July 1-3, Jeju Island, Korea. (SCOPUS) ( MOST 108-2410-H-324-009)

[27]   L.-S. Chen*, M.-C. Chen, Y.-R. Lin, Customer Needs Analysis for Overseas Purchasing in Taiwan, 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, July 7-12, 2019, Toyama, Japan. (SCOPUS) (MOST 107-2410-H-324-004)

[28]   H.-L. Wu, C.-C. Chang and L.-S. Chen, Secure Authentication Scheme with Conditional Privacy Preservation in a Global Mobility Communication Network, 2019 International Electronics Communication Conference (IECC 2019), 7-9 July, 2019, Okinawa, Japan. (EI, SCOPUS)

[29]   L.-S. Chen*, E.-L. Shen, The Key Success Factors of Crowdfunding Projects, International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science 2019, July 19-22, 2019, Osaka, Japan. (MOST 107-2410-H-324-004)

[30]   L.-S. Chen*, J.-Y. Hsu, Discover Users’ Needs in e-Learning by Kano Analysis and Decision Trees, The 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, April 12-15, 2019, Tokyo, Japan. (SCOPUS) (MOST 107-2410-H-324-004)

[31]   H.-L. Wu, C.-C. Chang, L.-S. Chen, On the security of a secure anonymous authentication protocol for mobile services on elliptic curve cryptography, 2018 The 6th International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and SmartCity (ICIT 2018), Dec. 29-31, 2018, Hong Kong. (SCOPUS)

[32]   L.-S. Chen*, Y.-T. Pan, The Keywords of Affecting Performance for Live Streaming, IIH-MSP 2018 : The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Nov. 26-28, 2018, Sendai, Japan. (SCOPUS) (MOST 107-2410-H-324-004)

[33]   W.-T. Chien, G. Chakraborty, L.-S. Chen, Identifying important factors affecting O2O customers trust from textual reviews, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2018), September 19 - 21, 2018, Fukuoka, Japan. (SCOPUS)

[34]   J.-R. Chang, L.-S. Chen*, S.-C. Tseng, Apply Data Mining Approach to Identify Non-revisit Factors for Hotel Industry, 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, July 8-12, 2018, Yonago, Tottori, Japan. (SCOPUS)

[35]   L.-S. Chen*, M.-R. Lin, Y.-T. Pan, Find crucial factors of in-game purchase using neural networks, The 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2017), Nov. 8-10, 2017, The Splendor Hotel, Taichung, Taiwan. (MOST 104-2410-H-324-009-MY2) (SCOPUS, EI)

[36]   L.-S. Chen*, W.-T. Chien, H.-N. Chang, Build Sentiment Classification Prediction Model for O2O Service, 2017 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering, August 17-19, 2017, Sapporo, Japan.

[37]   M.-C. Chen, L.-S. Chen, Y. Wei, 2017, Apply ensemble empirical mode decomposition to discover time variants of metro station passenger flow, 2017 4th international conference on industrial engineering and applications, April 21-23, Nagoya, Japan (SCOPUS, EI)

[38]   L.-S. Chen*, S.-C. Tseng, M.-C. Chen, Discovering key features of influencing performances of online reviews in social media, The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering, October 10-12, 2016, Seoul, Korea (MOST 104-2410-H-324-009-MY2).

[39]   L.-S. Chen*, W.-T. Chien and J.-R. Chang, Applying data mining methods to instutuional research: a study of alumni satisfaction survey, The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering, October 10-12, 2016, Seoul, Korea (MOST 104-2410-H-324-009-MY2).

[40]   L.-S. Chen*, J.-R. Chang, T.-M. Cheng, A study on alumni satisfaction survey and correlation analysis of core competencies, labor education, extracurricular activities and alumni salary levels, 2016 International Conference on Institutional Research in Taiwan (ICIRT 2016), Taichung, May 20-21, Taiwan (MOST 104-2410-H-324-009-MY2).

[41]   L.-S. Chen*, M.-R. Lin, J.-R. Chang, A Decision Tree based Method for Extracting Important Elements of In-applications Purchases, The Third International Conference on Computing, Measurement, Control and Sensor Network, May 2022, 2016, Matsue, Shimane, Japan. (MOST 104-2410-H-324-009-MY2)

[42]   L.-S. Chen*, M.-R. Lin, Key Factors of In-App Purchase for Game Applications, 7th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICETET-15), 18–20 November 2015, Kobe, Japan.(MOST104-2410-H-324-009-MY2)

[43]   L.-S. Chen*, C.-W. Yen, A study of downloading game applications, 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications, May 26th to 28th, 2015 in Tokyo, Japan. (MOST 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3) (EI)

[44]   L.-S. Chen*, T.Y. K. Yang, Increasing customer loyalty in internet marketing, The First Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications (ECC-2014), Shenzhen, China, June 13-15, 2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3) (EI)

[45]   L.-S. Chen*, T.-C. Kuo, Using Decision Trees to Identify Key Factors of Keyword Advertisements, International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2014 (IMECS 2014), Hong Kong, 12-14 March, 2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3) (Best Paper Award)

[46]   L.-S. Chen*, T.Y. K. Yang, The Crucial Social Media Marketing Factors in Bed and Breakfast Industry, 2014 International Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 28-30 March, 2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[47]   C.-Y. Hsueh, L.-S. Chen, Q. Zhao, Awareness of manipulation in on-line review, IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology & Ubi-Media Computing, 2-4 Nov., 2013, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan. (Best Paper Award)

[48]   L.-S. Chen*, J.-Y. Lin, 2013, A study on review manipulation classification using decision tree, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’13), July 17-19, 2013, Hong Kong. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3) (EI indexed)

[49]   C.-Y. Huang, R.-C. Chen, L.-S. Chen, Course-recommendation systen based on ontology, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, July 14-17, 2013, Tianjin, China.

[50]   L.-S. Chen*, C.-Y. Hsueh, C.-C. Hsu, 2013, Improving the performance of classifying review manipulation in e-commerce, International Conference on Innovation and Management, Sapporo, Japan, Jan. 28-31. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[51]   L.-S. Chen*, Y.-Y. Yang, 2012, Identifying key factors for increasing royalty of customers in mobile shopping services, IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA'12), March 14-16, Hong Kong. (EI indexed)

[52]   L.-S. Chen*, K.-C. Sun, 2012, Identifying Key Factors and Developing a New Method for Classifying Imbalanced Sentiment Data, IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA'12), March 14-16, Hong Kong. (EI indexed) “PAPER AWARD: Certificate of Merit”

[53]   H.-K. Chen, C.-P. Chang, L.-F. Chen, L.-S. Chen, Winning Customers’ Hearts and Minds using DFSS approach, 4th International Conference on Lean Six Sigma, 26-27 March, 2012, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

[54]   L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Hsu, C.-W. Chang, 2011, Improving Text Sentiment Classification Performance by Balancing Positive and Negative Features, CSE-11-ICGST International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, 19-21 Dec 2011, Turkey (NSC 100-2914-I-324-003-A1)

[55]   L.-S. Chen*, C.-W. Chang, 2011, A new term weighting method by introducing class information for sentiment classification of textual data, IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA'11), March 16-18, Hong Kong. (EI indexed) (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2)

[56]   L.-S. Chen*, L.-W. Lin, C.-C. Hsu, 2011, Developing a cluster based sampling method for imbalanced bloggers’ sentiment data, 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology  (e-CASE & e-Tech 2011), Tokyo, Japan, January 18-20, 2011 (EI indexed) (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2)

[57]   L.-S. Chen* and S.-H. Chen, 2010, Applying TRIZ techniques to innovative product functions creation: An example of smart phones, The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems (APIEMS) Conference and the 13th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research, Dec. 7-10, 2010, Melaka, Malaysia. (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2)

[58]   L.-S. Chen* and C.-W. Chang, 2010, A feature selection method for classifying textual sentiment data, The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems (APIEMS) Conference and the 13th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research, Dec. 7-10, 2010, Melaka, Malaysia. (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2)

[59]   L.-S. Chen*, L.-W. Lin, 2010, Two methods for classifying bloggers' sentiment, IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA'10), Vol. 1, 576-579, March 17-19, Hong Kong. (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2) (EI indexed) “PAPER AWARD: Certificate of Merit”

[60]   L.-S. Chen*, P.-C. Chang, 2010, Identifying Crucial Website Quality Factors of Virtual Communities, IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA'10), Vol. 1, 487-492, March 17-19, Hong Kong. (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2) (EI indexed)

[61]   L.-S. Chen*, Y.-S. Chang, L.-W. Lin, M.-C. Chen, 2009, A SOM based approach for learning from imbalanced data sets, The 19th Intelligent System Symposium (FAN 2009), Sep. 17~18, Aizu- Wakamatsu, Japan. (NSC 98 - 2410 - H - 324 - 007 - MY2)

[62]   L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Lin, C.-C. Hsu, S.-H. Chen, 2009, A Systematic Approach for New RFID Products Quality Elements Creation, ANQ Congress 2009, Sep. 15~18, Tokyo, Japan. (NSC 98 - 2410 - H - 324 - 007 - MY2)

[63]   K.-Y. Chen, L.-S. Chen, M.-C. Chen, C.-L. Lee, 2009, Applying Neural Networks to Detect the Failures of Turbines in Thermal Power Facilities, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 708-711, Hong Kong, 8-11 December, 2009. (EI indexed)

[64]   L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Hsu, L.-F. Chen, 2009, Developing a robust classifier for fault detection in production environment, the 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM '09, June 3~5, 2009, Moscow, Russia. (NSC 96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2)

[65]   L.-S. Chen*, H.-J. Chiu, 2009, Developing a neural network based index for sentiment classification, IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA'09), March 18-20, Hong Kong. (NSC 96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2) (EI indexed) (Certificate of Merit)

[66]   L.-S. Chen*, Z.-C. Lin, 2009, FAIR: A Fuzzy ART network based scheme for retrieving useful information from blogs, IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA'09), March 18-20, Hong Kong. (NSC 96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2) (EI indexed)

[67]   L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Hsu, Y.-S. Chang, 2009, MDS: A Novel Method for Class Imbalance Learning, The 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, January 15-16, 2009, SKKU, Suwon, Korea. (NSC 96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2)

[68]   L.-S. Chen*, C.-C. Hsu, P.-C. Chang, 2008, Developing a TRIZ-Kano model for creating attractive quality, the 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Oct. 12-14, Dalian, China (EI indexed). (NSC 96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2) (Best Paper Award)

[69]   C.-C. Hsu*, L.-S. Chen, 2008, Integrate Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine for Monitoring Non-Gaussian Multivariate Process, the 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Oct. 12-14, Dalian, China (EI indexed).

[70]   Chen, L.-S.* & Chang, P.-C., 2007, Creating attractive quality of on-line games, the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers  Conference (APIEMS & CIIE Conference 2007), Dec. 9~13, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (NSC96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2)

[71]   M.-C. Chen*, L.-S. Chen, F.-H. Hsu, Y.-C. Hsu, 2007, HPRS: A profitability based recommender system, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2~5, Singapore (EI indexed). (NSC96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2)

[72]   Chen, L.-S.* & Duh, Y.-P., 2007, Mining knowledge from blogs: an example of VoIP phone products, 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Oct. 20-23, Alexandria, Egypt.(NSC96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2)

[73]   Su, C.-T.*, Yang, T., Chen, L.-S and Chiang, T.-L., 2006, A novel method to shorten inspection process: a case study, INCOM 2006: 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Vol. 3, pp. 529-534, Saint-Etienne, France.

[74]          Chen, L.-S.* and Su, C.-T., 2006, Multiple techniques for learning from imbalanced/skewed data, 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan. (Excellent Student Paper Award)


[1]       羅子傑、陳隆昇*,以社群媒體文章建立憂鬱症判斷模式,DLT 2022 數位生活科技研討會,May 13-14, 2022,國立高雄科技大學。( MOST 110-2410-H-324-003)

[2]       陳隆昇、林憶如,電影群眾募資專案關鍵成功要素之研究,DLT 2021 數位生活科技研討會,May 14-15, 2021,國立屏東大學。

[3]       L.-S. Chen*, Y.-T. Pan, The Key Factors of Increasing the Number of Viewers in Live Streaming, The 12th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies. The 8th Forum on Taiwan Association for Web Intelligence Consortium, April 21, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.

[4]       陳隆昇、黃煊越、徐廷豪、鍾佳伶、劉羽娟、陳怡璇、陳煖庭, 網路報名管理系統網站, The 12th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies. The 8th Forum on Taiwan Association for Web Intelligence Consortium, April 21, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.

[5]       陳隆昇*、簡婉婷,以社群文字評論預測O2O商務之滿意度,2017 第十一屆資訊科技國際研討會暨第七屆網路智能與應用研討會,April 22, 2017,台中。

[6]       陳隆昇*、林孟儒、張景榮,遊戲App內部購買關鍵研究:SVM-RFELASSO之比較,2016年資訊科技國際研討會暨民生電子論壇,台中,April 232016. (MOST 104-2410-H-324-009-MY2)

[7]       J.-S. Syu, Q. Zhao, L.-S. Chen, On the Efficiency and Efficacy of NNC-Trees for Intrusion Detection2016年資訊科技國際研討會暨民生電子論壇,台中,April 232016. (最佳論文獎)

[8]       陳隆昇*、劉俊誠,預測行動廣告點閱率之研究,DLT 2015 數位生活科技研討會,高雄大學,June 26-27, 2015. (MOST 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[9]       陳隆昇*、嚴振偉,免費遊戲APP 下載與APP 內消費重要因素之研究,DLT 2015 數位生活科技研討會,高雄大學,June 26-27, 2015. (MOST 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[10]   陳隆昇*、嚴振偉2015,影響遊戲APP下載重要因素之探討,2015年資訊科技國際研討會暨民生電子論壇,台中April 24-252015. (MOST 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[11]   陳隆昇*、劉俊誠2015,影響行動廣告點閱率重要因子之研究,2015年資訊科技國際研討會暨民生電子論壇,台中April 24-252015. (MOST 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[12]   陳隆昇*、許智翔,植基於倒傳遞類神經網路之方法以提升產品虛假評論分類績效,DLT 2014 數位生活科技研討會,高雄大學,June  20-21, 2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)(最佳論文獎)

[13]   陳隆昇*、劉俊誠,預測關鍵字廣告點閱率之研究,DLT 2014 數位生活科技研討會,高雄大學,June  20-21, 2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[14]   陳隆昇*、蔡昇哲,植基於倒傳遞類神經網路之不平衡資料抽樣方法,DLT 2014 數位生活科技研討會,高雄大學,June  20-21, 2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[15]   陳隆昇*、蔡昇哲,不平衡語意分類方法之比較:以線上旅遊評論為例,「International Conference on Information Management 2014(ICIM 2014) 第廿五屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,台中中興大學,May 24, 2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[16]   陳隆昇*、楊宗諭,有效社群媒體行銷手法之研究,2014第八屆資訊科技國際研討會,台中, 18-19 April2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[17]   陳隆*薛仱芸,植基於潛在語意索引之網路虛假評論辨識方法,2014第八屆資訊科技國際研討會,台中,18-19 April2014. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[18]   陳隆昇*薛仱芸,植基特徵選取之分類法以提升網路虛假評論分類正確率,2013第十九屆IMP資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台中科技大學, Dec. 7, 2013.

[19]   陳隆昇*、林瑞裕2013,辨識科技產品操弄評論之研究,2013第七屆資訊科技國際研討會,台中April 26-272013. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[20]   陳隆昇*、郭泰成2012,辨識提昇關鍵字廣告點閱率之重要品質要素,第二屆創新發明應用研討會,台中Nov. 232012. (NSC 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3)

[21]   黃忠義、陳榮靜、陳隆昇2012,以本體論實現學生選課推薦系統,The 2012 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence TAAI 2012, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 16-18, 2012.

[22]   陳隆昇*、楊依依, 2012, 發展特徵選取方法以辨識行動購物服務品質關鍵因素之研究, 2012 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and The Second National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications, April 27-28, Taichung, Taiwan.

[23]  陳隆昇*、孫昆正, 2012, 改善不平衡語意分類之研究, 2012 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and The Second National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications, April 27-28, Taichung, Taiwan. Best Paper Award

[24]   陳隆昇*、邱柏瑋、王智文, 2012, 關鍵字廣告品質要素之分析, 2012 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and The Second National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications, April 27-28, Taichung, Taiwan.

[25]   陳隆昇*、張家偉,2011,提升語意分類績效之研究,22屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2011)May 21, 2011, Taichung. (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2)

[26]   陳隆昇*、陳仕勳,2011,發展六標準差設計方法以解決保險業之顧客抱怨,22屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2011)May 21, 2011, Taichung. (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2)

[27]   陳隆昇*、張保中,2010,虛擬社群網站之顧客需求探討,2010 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, April 23-24, Taichung, Taiwan. (NSC 98-2410-H-324 -007 -MY2) (Best Paper Award)

[28]   陳隆昇*、林春成,2009,植基於部落格內容探勘之創新產品發展模式,CIIE2009中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會Dec. 12,台中,台灣。(NSC 98 - 2410 - H - 324 - 007 - MY2)

[29]   陳隆昇*、林姿呈、林春成,2009,部落格中顧客需求資訊攫取模式,TAAI 2009 第十四屆人工智慧與應用研討會Oct. 30~31,台中,台灣。(NSC 98 - 2410 - H - 324 - 007 - MY2)

[30]   陳隆昇*、林立為,2009,植基倒傳遞類神經網路之不平衡資料處理機制,TAAI 2009 第十四屆人工智慧與應用研討會,Oct. 30~31,台中,台灣。(NSC 98 - 2410 - H - 324 - 007 - MY2)

[31]   陳隆昇*、張毓珊、林立為,改善類別不平衡問題之研究,2009新世代工業工程與系統管理研討會,五月22日,台中,台灣。

[32]   林敬森、陳隆昇*、林春成,改善教學網站品質之研究,2009新世代工業工程與系統管理研討會,五月22日,台中,台灣。

[33]   陳隆昇*、林姿呈,2009FAIR:應用於部落格文章之資訊攫取模式,2009 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, April 24, Taichung, Taiwan. (NSC 96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2)

[34]   陳隆昇*、邱慧如,2009,發展植基於支撐向量機的語意導向指標以分類部落客之情緒,2009 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, April 24, Taichung, Taiwan. (NSC 96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2)

[35]   陳隆昇*、張毓珊,2009,結合馬氏距離和支援向量機之兩階段分類方法以解決類別不平衡問題,2009 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, April 24, Taichung, Taiwan. (NSC 96-2416-H-324 -003 -MY2)

[36]   陳隆昇*、杜逸普,2008,部落格探勘,2008 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, April 25~26, Taichung, Taiwan.(In Chinese)

[37]   陳隆昇*、張保中,2008,發展C-KANO MODEL以創造線上遊戲之魅力品質,2008 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, April 25~26, Taichung, Taiwan. (In Chinese)


[1]       主持人,國科會,利用深度學習網路與社群媒體貼文建立憂鬱症早期預警模式,計畫編號NSTC 112-2410-H-324-004,執行期間: 2023/08/01~2024/7/31,計畫金額: 650,000

[2]       主持人,國科會,以文字探勘與眼球追蹤技術探討提升應用程式內廣告績效之研究,計畫編號MOST 111-2410-H-324-006,執行期間: 2022/08/01~2023/7/31,計畫金額: 630,000

[3]       主持人,科技部,使用文字探勘方法探討影響群眾募資成功之關鍵專案與內容文字要素之研究,計畫編號MOST 110-2410-H-324-003,執行期間: 2021/08/01~2022/7/31,計畫金額: 620,000

[4]       主持人,科技部,顧客不再訪重要因素分析之研究-以飯店業為例,計畫編號MOST 108-2410-H-324-009,執行期間: 2019/08/01~2020/10/31,計畫金額: 848,000

[5]       主持人,科技部,使用文字探勘方法確認離線商務模式重要信任因素與建立預測模式,計畫編號MOST 107-2410-H-324-004,執行期間: 2018/08/01~2019/07/31,計畫金額: 599,000

[6]       主持人,科技部,確認社群媒體關鍵虛假評論屬性及重要行銷技巧之研究,計畫編號MOST 104-2410-H-324-009-MY2,執行期間: 2015/08/01~2017/07/31,計畫金額: 1,058,000

[7]       共同主持人,科技部,運用情緒探勘與人格特質建構Facebook Mood 時間序列預測模型,計畫編號MOST 105-2410-H-025-015-MY2,執行期限2016.08.01 2018.07.31,計畫金額1,417,000

[8]       共同主持人,科技部,整合網路社群與行為財務建置Facebook Mood股票市場動態預測模型之發展,計畫編號MOST 104-2420-H-025-004,執行期間: 2015/09/012016/04/30,計畫金額:420,000

[9]       主持人,國科會,擷取部落格之顧客聲音以創造新產品功能,計畫編號MOST 101-2628-E-324-004-MY3(多年期計劃),執行期限2012.08.012015.07.31,計劃金額 1,774,000

[10]   主持人,產學合作案,春文草堂民宿網站建置與經營計畫案 (春文草堂) ,計畫編號UT101-DTJ2-O-006,執行期限:101/10/15~102/04/30

[11]   主持人,產學合作案,美聚化學股份有限公司-Dr. Topsales網站建構產學合作案,計畫編號UT101-DTJ2-O-005,執行期限:101/10/1~102/04/30

[12]   協同主持人,交通部運輸研究所,我國自由貿易港區發展綠色物流之機會與挑戰,標案案號MOTC-IOT-100-MDB004,決標金額2,500,000元,執行期限100/03/01~100/11/31

[13]   主持人,國科會,補助國內舉辦國際學術研討會九十八年度第二期『2010資訊科技國際研討會』計畫編號NSC 99-2916-I-324-001-A1,執行期限099/04/23~099/04/24

[14]   主持人,國科會,發展C-Kano模型以發掘線上遊戲品質的魅力要素(Developing C-Kano Model for Discovering Attractive Quality Elements of Online Games),計畫編號 NSC 98 - 2410 - H - 324 - 007 - MY2(多年期計畫),執行期限 098/08/01 ~ 100/07/31

[15]   主持人,國科會,發展處理不平衡資料之資料探勘方法(Developing data mining techniques for imbalanced data) (多年期計畫),計畫編號:96-2416-H-324-003-MY2,執行期限:96/8/198/7/31

[16]   研究員,財團法人中衛發展中心,95年度提升中小企業品質輔導效能計畫­­­­-『國外先進國家中小企業品質推動策略與發展趨勢之研究』­­­­95/06~95/12

[17]   訓練講師,國泰醫院,國泰綜合醫院六標準差訓練輔導,96/06~96/11

[18]   協同主持人,教育部,96-97年度RFID科技及應用學程計畫,96/11~98/01

[19]   協同主持人,教育部,96年度技專校院發展學校重點特色專案補助計畫: E-LIFE計畫

[20]   共同主持人,教育部,97年教育部補助技專校院辦理國際合作與交流計畫:台馬資訊教育論壇暨亞太資訊科技交流計畫,97/3~97/12




1. Reviewer, Information Sciences, Ref. No. INS-D-06-417(2006/9/14)

2. Lecturer, Six Sigma Training Program, Quality Research Center, NTHU (2006/8)

3. 演講,題目:『Information Granulation & Granular Computing

清大工工所博士班seminar,時間:Nov. 30, 06’

  朝陽資管所,資訊講座,時間:Oct. 24, 06’

4. Reviewer, 2006/9資訊科技暨製商整合國際研討會(ITIMB ref. #1878, ref. #1940, ref.

#1990 & ref. #2030)

5. 朝陽資管系課程委員會委員(95上學期)

6. 朝陽資管系獎助學金委員會委員(95上學期)

7. 朝陽資管系四資1C導師(95學年)

8. 學生事務委員會教師代表(95上學期)

9. 其他:95學年度轉學考出題


1.      Reviewer

管理與系統(TSSCI)Book Chapter (Intelligent Data Analysis : Developing New Methodologies Through Pattern Discovery and Recovery)、資訊管理學報(TSSCI)IJASEInformation Sciences(SCI)

2. 96學年度資管系碩士班命題、監試、閱卷委員(2007/4)

3. 96學年度二技統一入學測驗監試委員(2007/4)

4.經濟部專業人員研究中心096M207六標準差研究班 講師(2007/5)

5. 96學年度二技在職專班入學測驗命題委員(2007/6)

6. 96學年度四技技優甄審審查委員(2007/6)



9.演講,題目:『Introduction to Granular Computing』清大工工所Soft Computing課程(2007/11/12)   

10. 朝陽資管系四資2C導師(96學年)


1.Reviewer, Information Sciences(SCI), IJAIT, C&IE (SCI), 管理與系統(TSSCI)


3. Associate editor, International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies

4. Program committee member, 2008 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, Taichung, CYUT.

5. 97學年度二年制統一入學測驗監試人員(2008/4/27)

6. 97學年度碩士在職專班審查委員(2008/5)


8.碩士班論文口試委員(交大交通運輸所、朝陽工工所) (2008/6)

9. 97學年度四技技優甄審審查委員(2008/6)

10. 97學年度四技推薦甄選入學審查委員(2008/6)

11. AIT 2009議程委員

12. TAAI2009籌備委員

13. 97學年度四技二技轉學考命題、監試委員


1. Reviewer, Information Sciences(SCI)

2. Reviewer, IEEE TEM (SSCI), Knowledge and Information Systems(SCI)

3. Reviewer, INCOM 2009.


5. Reviewer, AIT 2009& IJAIT.

6. Reviewer, C&IE (SCI)

7. 校內演講,資訊與社會實驗室workshop:資料分析前的資料檢視 (2009/4/7)、問卷設計(2009/4/28)

8. Reviewer, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (SCI)

9. 98學年度二年制統一入學測驗監試人員(2009/4/26)

10. 98學年度四技申請入學書面審查委員(2009/4/10~13)

11. 98學年度碩士在職專班甄試委員 (2009/4~5)

12. 僑光技術學院工管系演講:田口方法簡介及其應用 (2009/5/14)

13. 資訊學院兼任代理秘書 (2009/6/15~2009/9/15)

14. Reviewer, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (SCI)

15. 支援招生活動(曙光女中) (2009/06/)

16. Reviewer, Journal of Medical Systems (SCI)

17. 碩士班論文口試委員(交大交通運輸所、朝陽工工所) (2009/6~7)

18. 98學年度第一學期四技二技轉學考命題、監試委員(2009/8)

19. TAAI2009籌備、議程委員、議程主持人(2009/8)

20. 中華醫事科大演講,題目:『優良教師經驗分享』(2009/9/10)

21. TANET2009審稿委員(2009/8)

22. AIT2010籌備委員





1. Reviewer, Information Sciences(SCI)/Computers and Industrial Engineering(SCI)/管理與系統(TSSCI)/ Knowledge and Information Systems(SCI)

2. Session chair, IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA'10), March 17-19, Hong Kong.

3. 校內演講,講題:『顧客關係管理』,朝陽工工系(2010/3/15)

4. 99學年度二年制統一入學測驗監試人員(2010/4/25)

5. 議程主席,2010 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, April 23-24, Taichung, Taiwan.

6. 98學年度「大學校院英語能力測驗(CSEPT)」朝陽校園考試監試委員(2010/5/15)


8.碩士班論文口試委員(交大交通運輸所、朝陽資管所、朝陽工工所) (2010/5~6)

9. 99學年度四技技優入學審查委員(2010/6)

10. 朝陽科技大學學生發展中心職涯諮詢顧問(2010/6)


1. 99-2學期,擔任朝陽科大圖書館學科指導教授(3C時段,星期三 11:00-12:00) (100/2/21~100/6/15)

2. 99學年度第2學期擔任朝陽科大學生發展中心職涯諮詢顧問(100/3/1~100/6/10)

3. Reviewer, KAIS, INS, ECRA, NCA, JoMS, WWWJ

4. 擔任100學年度朝陽科大外籍生『接待家庭』

5. 擔任100學年度四年制統一入學測驗監試人員(2011/4/30~5/1)

6. 擔任100學年度資管系碩士班命題、閱卷委員(2011/4)

7. 擔任22屆國際資訊管理學術研討會籌備委員(2011/5/21)

8. 擔任清大工業工程與工程管理系博士班論文計畫書審查委員(2011/5/27)

9. 擔任交通大學交通運輸研究所碩士在職專班運輸物流組 碩士論文口試委員(2011/6/11)

10. 100學年度四技技優入學審查委員(2011/6)

11. 擔任朝陽科大資管所、工工所碩士、輔大經營管理研究所論文口試委員(2011/7)

12. 資管系獎委會委員、校獎助學金委員會委員


1. 擔任101學年度四技二專統一入學測驗監試人員(2012/5/5~5/6)

2. Reviewer for ECRA, INS, NCA, C&IE, JoQ, 資管學報,管理與系統, JCIE等國內外期刊審查委員.

3. 擔任朝陽科大外籍生『接待家庭』


5. 擔任朝陽資管系、明新企管系、交大運研所碩士學位口試委員

6. 101學年度四技甄選審查委員(2012/6)

7. 台中科大資管系演講(2012/11/8)

8. 擔任101年度朝陽科大總導師、社團活動推展委員會主任委員、教學卓越計畫規劃與管考委員、教職員工提案改善審議會委員、綠色大學推動委員會委員、朝揚優秀青年代表選拔評審委員、性別平等教育委員會委員、學生輔導委員會委員、人評會委員、學生實習就業指導委員會委員、智慧財產權宣導與執行委員會委員。

9. 擔任教育部中區大專校院學生事務工作協調聯絡中心工作小組委員(102/1/1~103/12/31)


1.      擔任朝陽科大外籍生『接待家庭』

2.      擔任朝陽科大資管所(102/1/15)、工管所碩士班、台中科大資管所口試委員(102/1/21)

3.      擔任教育部青年發展署102年全校性學生自治組織成果競賽暨觀摩活動評審委員(102/4/27)

4.      協助本校榮獲教育部101年友善校園績優學校。

5.      協助本校榮獲教育部101年全國技專院校辦理具勞作教育與服務學習內涵課成績優學校。

6.      獲邀擔任教育部北二區學生事務協調中心101年度教育部品德教育特色學校評審委員。

7.      成功爭取原民會102年補助大專校院設置原住民族學生資源中心計畫。

8.      成功爭取教育部102年品德深耕計畫。

9.      成功爭取教育部102年學生輔導-特色主題獎助。

10.  成功爭取教育部102年中區學務創新研討會舉辦。

11.  獲邀於中台科技大學舉辦之101年「品德教育推廣與深耕」實務研討會演講。

12.  成功爭取衛福部102年年輕族群場域菸害防制工作計畫。

13.  成功爭取教育部102年健康促進計畫,獲補助經費超過近年。

14.  協助本校榮獲教育部102服務學習示範性計畫佳作。

15.  成功爭取教育部102年全國大專校院衛保組長工作研習會、102年全國大專校院衛人員工作研習會。

16.  成功爭取教育部102年度校園性侵害性騷擾或性霸凌事件救濟爭議及申復案例研討會(大專、中學、小學三梯次)

17.  議程主席,第十九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(Dec. 7, 2013)

18.  擔任育達科大102年度學務與輔導工作自我評鑑委員。(Dec. 31, 2013)


1.   擔任AIT 2014議程主席(session chair)

2.   擔任ICIM 2014議程主席(session chair)

3.   擔任北二區大專校院學生事務工作協調聯絡中心103年教育部友善校園獎評選審查委員(2014/5/19)

4.   103學年度四技優甄選委員

5.   擔任朝陽科大資管所(103/7/22)、交通大學運研所(103/6/25)、台北科大資管所(103/6/18)、台中科大資管所(103/6/17)、輔仁大學國際經營管理所碩士學位口試委員(103/7/30)

6.   協助本校成功爭取103年度衛生福利部國民健康署 年輕族群場域菸害防制工作計畫。

7.   協助本校榮獲教育部103年品德教育特色學校。

8.   成功爭取教育部103年中區學務創新研討會舉辦。

9.   成功爭取教育部103-104年品德深耕計畫。




19.  擔任教育部安置高鳳樹位內容學院學生訪視委員(103/3/21)

20.  擔任102學年度四技二專統一入學測驗巡場委員

21.  擔任教育部安置永達技術學院、高鳳樹位內容學院學生訪視委員(103/11/3)

22.  擔任教育部青年發展署103年全校性學生自治組織成果競賽暨觀摩活動評審委員(103/3/22)



1.   擔任103學年度四技二專統一入學測驗巡場委員(104/5/2-104/5/3)

2.   擔任104年教育部品德教育推廣與深耕學校期末分享暨種子團隊培訓中區研討會 第一場次主持人(2015/5/1)

3.   擔任教育部104年度永達技術學院及高鳳數位內容學院安置學生訪視委員(2015/5/5)

4.   擔任雲科大學務與輔導創新研討會分組經驗分享與討論與談人(2015/5/15)

5.   榮獲104年度內政部評選兵役業務績優學校

6.   榮獲2015年第五屆三好校園實踐學校計畫

7.   擔任大專校院學務人員專業增能研習之授課講師(104/8/29)

8.   榮獲教育部104年度「國家防災日」績優大專校院地震避難掩護演練優等學校。


1.   協助本校榮獲105年度教育部友善校園績優學校

2.   協助本校榮獲105年度品德教育特色學校

3.   協助本校榮獲2016年第六屆三好校園實踐學校計畫。

4.   擔任教育部中區大專校院學生事務工作協調聯絡中心工作小組委員。

5.   連續6(100-105)承辦教育部學產基金設置急難慰問金專案計畫,獲教育部來函肯定。

6.   連續6(100-105)獲教育部補助辦理品德教育推廣與深耕計畫。

7.   協助學校於105年向教育部爭取專案補助專任心理師2名經費,擴增本校諮商輔導人力,擴增學生輔導能量。

8.   協助本校獲105年度衛生福利部國民健康署「落實年輕族群場域菸害防制工作方案」

9.   協助本校獲105年度大專校院推動學校健康促進實施計畫

10.      擔任教育部105年大專校院暨高級中等學校品德教育精進研習工作坊分享人

11.      擔任105年度全國學務長會議分享人

12.      擔任「105年度全國私立大專校院學生事務與輔導工作經費使用說明研討會」分享人

13.      擔任中華學生事務學會 2016「學生事務工作創新與發展」研討會與談人

14.      擔任教育部「技專校院推動實習課程工作坊」與談人

15.      擔任105年大學校院校安中心儲備人員培訓講師

16.      擔任105年國立師範大學及交通大學碩士班口試委員

17.      協助本校榮獲教育部105學年度校園食材登錄平臺精進獎


1.          擔任106年大學校院校安中心儲備人員培訓講師

2.          擔任國際傑人會中華民國總會第二十五屆傑青獎選拔決選委員





































































































Huynh-Cam Thao-Trang




Richard G. Mayopu
























紀孫堯、林雅惠 、賴忠政、陳少琦


















謝佳樺、柯婉婷、蔡杰志 、簡攸茹、郭葦帆、陳顥文



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