The Meaningful Melody: Understanding the

 Deep Connections Between Music and Language





   (1) 2片音樂CD:

由不同的音樂元素 -- 拍子、節奏、高低、快慢、長短、音色、走停、強弱等,創作出20首曲子。透過不同的活動方式指導,讓幼兒感受曲子中所表現出來的不同音樂元素。以音樂作為學習的媒介,結合音樂與認知、歌唱、肢體律動、音樂遊戲、樂器玩奏、唸謠與音樂欣賞等活動,讓嬰幼兒在音樂的刺激下快樂的成長。



l    李玲玉老師創作曲I:請見本書223244

l    李玲玉老師創作曲II:請見本書245271

(2) 2片音樂故事示範VCD:


l    音樂故事示範VCD:請見本書161至214頁

  (3) 1片音樂美語教學示範VCD


l    音樂美語教學示範VCD:請見本書272280



Music is all around us but it is not being used as much as it should in the language classroom.  When it comes to language education, as parents and educators we know that we must use every tool at our disposal to help students learn.  This book is designed to open the minds of adults to new thinking about music and language, and provide powerful methods for implementing these new ideas.  Music and language have much in common, in how they are processed and their relationship to the learning process. 

The theoretical background is explained through a summary of the latest research and innovation in music and its relationship to language.  The major part of the book is meant as a guide, to give educators a wealth of lessons that can be implemented.  From using children’s songs, letter songs, music for appreciation and musical storytelling, to “Music First, Chinese Second,” the curriculum extracts are the result of my years of research and testing innovative approaches for teaching language through music.

I hope that this book provides a new way of looking at language education and gives you the tools to use music to improve children’s language learning ability.  We all know that in this global environment, there are few things more important for children than language skills.